06-30-2016, 01:39 AM
I have an I2C acelerometer and photosensor as well as a bunch of others. I know there addresses as well, so if we can get the I2C working I can test, as long as someone lets me know how to set the address of the sensor in android... and assuming I can get the darn images to work... I have burned them several times now and got it working once, but broke it accidentally when I was restoring app data from the HDMI install. for some reason two computers with two seperate cards that have held android installs before say they finish burning magic complete in phoenix and none of them will boot after 30 minutes to an hour or more.... considering opening another thread about it. When I look at the cards after burning they just show up as an empty partition formatted with fat32. That does not seem right to me, and I can send data to them manually... not sure whats up ... so... I am going to burn here for another hour maybe and then if its still no go, I will give up and start a help me thread hahaha....

Little beats big when little is smart. First with the head, then with the heart. P.K. ~Power of One~