10-05-2023, 11:40 PM
Hi @bnjmnhg,
I installed Megi's 6.5 kernel on my Pinebook Pro today to try it out and I can confirm the USB Type-C display is working, but just as before, it works only when you set the USB-C connector in one way, so if it doesn't work, you just need to flip the USB-C cable and the display should work.
Here is how I installed Megi's kernel it on my Pinebook Pro within my Manjaro KDE installation:
You should be able to use your external display now, just keep in mind that if it doesn't work at first, then simply flip the USB-C connector on the Pinebook Pro port and it should work (weird bug but that is how the current kernel patches works xD).
I hope this helps!
I installed Megi's 6.5 kernel on my Pinebook Pro today to try it out and I can confirm the USB Type-C display is working, but just as before, it works only when you set the USB-C connector in one way, so if it doesn't work, you just need to flip the USB-C cable and the display should work.
Here is how I installed Megi's kernel it on my Pinebook Pro within my Manjaro KDE installation:
- First download the Megi's kernel version you like from here https://xff.cz/kernels/, for example, I wanted Kernel 6.5 for my Pinebook Pro so I downloaded https://xff.cz/kernels/6.5/pbp.tar.gz and also it's ASC file to validate that the downloaded file wasn't corrupted.
- Uncompress the pbp.tar.gz file wherever you like, for example, I uncompressed my pbp.tar.gz into my downloads folder and rename it megi6.5 so it the files will be uncompressed on my local /home/myuser/Downloads/megi6.5 directory.
It should have the following files and directories:
Notice the 6.5.3-00504-gcd616e9bb06d-dirty sub-directory. This directory it's important and it's name will change depending on the kernel version you are installing
- Now, cd into the uncompressed directory, for example, on my case I uncompressed the pbp.tar.gz into my downloads folder /home/myuser/Downloads/megi6.5 so the command for my computer would be:
Code:cd /home/myuser/Downloads/megi6.5
- Next, you need to merge the modules/lib sub-directory you just uncompressed into your local /lib directory (keep in mind that you will need to be root or use sudo to do this):
Code:sudo cp -r ./modules/lib/modules/ /lib/
If done right, you will now have the following directory on your computer: /lib/modules/6.5.3-00504-gcd616e9bb06d-dirty
- Now we need to install the boot files, to do this simply create a new directory in your /boot directory and copy just the files (not the directories) from the uncompressed directory:
Code:sudo mkdir /boot/megi6.5
sudo cp ./* /boot/megi6.5/
If done correctly (and assuming you are using Manjaro like me, other distros might vary) your local /boot directory should look similar to this:
(NOTE: technically speaking you could simply copy the Image and board.dtb files as far as I remember, but I like to keep it in a "better safe than sorry" way and copy every file into it :p)
- Before we continue to the next step, you should backup your /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file since we are going to modify it and if done wrong, your OS won't boot, so it is always a good idea to keep a copy just in case. Simply copy this file somewhere safe.
- The next step is to modify the /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file to use our /boot/megi6.5/Image and /boot/megi6.5/board.dtb files, for example my /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf look like this before these changes:
Quote:LABEL Manjaro ARM
FDT /dtbs/rockchip/rk3399-pinebook-pro.dtb
APPEND initrd=/initramfs-linux.img console=tty3 console=ttyS2,1500000 root=PARTUUID=ddc1aee8-62c8-497f-966a-7c91a00c2164 rw rootwait quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles
Notice the KERNEL and FDT parameters that are pointing to the files (relative to your local /boot directory) /Image and /dtbs/rockchip/rk3399-pinebook-pro.dtbd, those are the values we need to change so it points to Megi's files at /boot/megi6.5 directory, like this:
Quote:LABEL Manjaro ARM MEGI-6.5
KERNEL /megi6.5/Image
FDT /megi6.5/board.dtb
APPEND initrd=/initramfs-linux.img console=tty3 console=ttyS2,1500000 root=PARTUUID=ddc1aee8-62c8-497f-966a-7c91a00c2164 rw rootwait quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles
As you might have noticed, I have also added MEGI-6.5 on my LABEL, well that one is not required but I wanted to add it so that when my Pinebook Pro boots, it will print Manjaro ARM MEGI-6.5 and let me know that it is loading Megi's kernel instead of the one from Manjaro xD
- Finally, the last step is to install the kernel headers. As far as I remember (please correct me if wrong) the headers should go inside /usr/local/include directory because it is a custom kernel, while the distro ones should go inside /usr/include, so you will need to copy them using this command:
Code:sudo cp -r ./headers/include/ /usr/local/
You should be able to use your external display now, just keep in mind that if it doesn't work at first, then simply flip the USB-C connector on the Pinebook Pro port and it should work (weird bug but that is how the current kernel patches works xD).
I hope this helps!