07-28-2023, 08:55 AM
Wifi toggle:
With Manjaro Phosh at least, notify-send has issues (gxmessage works better), but notify-send is just window dressing in this case, and xfce has its own notifications.
I run xfce on everything so I've learned to live with keystroking rather than touch-screening. I'm always amazed that it works so well. Just got box86 running so Word 97 and my favorite database program (HanDBase) are available, and I even use x-86 npopUK for my email since I can't stand geary and tbird is so slow. The x-86 programs can take a while to load, but once minimized, they consume very little cpu.
Good to know about Gnome3 success.
if [ "$(nmcli radio wifi)" == "enabled" ]
notify-send -i /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/close-symbolic.svg "WIRELESS DISABLED" -t 2
nmcli radio wifi off
notify-send -i /usr/share/icons/HighContrast/scalable/status-extra/nm-signal-100.svg "WIRELESS ENABLED" -t 2
nmcli radio wifi on
exit 0
With Manjaro Phosh at least, notify-send has issues (gxmessage works better), but notify-send is just window dressing in this case, and xfce has its own notifications.
I run xfce on everything so I've learned to live with keystroking rather than touch-screening. I'm always amazed that it works so well. Just got box86 running so Word 97 and my favorite database program (HanDBase) are available, and I even use x-86 npopUK for my email since I can't stand geary and tbird is so slow. The x-86 programs can take a while to load, but once minimized, they consume very little cpu.
Good to know about Gnome3 success.