05-16-2023, 04:21 AM
Thanks again. I only try to target my Apps for the PinePhone and PineTab2 when released (ie not desktop). But GTK has some appeal, especially being written in C, which should make it easy to access from Zig but from what I am reading it sounds like a lot of these toolkits struggle a bit with performance, especially at startup. So far I tried 3 different OS combinations, and they all seem to take a few seconds just to open the most basic 'builtin' apps like calendars and clocks. The mali400 might be a bit old, but it should be able to whack out stuff much faster than what I am seeing. So now I am wondering if Linux is the bottleneck? Even with 'airplane mode' and phone locked, the battery is draining overnight, so I can only assume that Linux must be running quite a bit of stuff in the background? could that be affecting app performance? As I say I am new to Linux, so maybe I am repeating a lot of what is already known, and this is just the price of having such an amazing open platform as the PinePhone I shall take a look at NuttX next, since that will maybe give me a better idea what the device is capable of.