11-22-2022, 09:27 AM
(11-22-2022, 04:52 AM)_radv_ Wrote: I put a new MicroSD cad (class 10, 32GB bought from Pine64 a few days after i bought the phone) into the Pine Phone, executed lsblk and fdisk -l and the card isn't showing up. The results list only mmcblk2 and zram partitions. There should be mmcblk0.Things I would try:
Any response is appreciated.
- Try re-seating the SD card in the slot. Make sure it goes all the way in and you have it in the correct slot (the upper slot - NOT the lower SIM slot), and you have it oriented with the contacts facing down.
- Is this the only SD card you have? Could you try a different card to see if it's the card or the phone?
- Do you have an SD card adapter/reader that you could plug into a computer to see if it shows up?
- With the back off the phone, insert the SD card into the slot, but don't push it in all of the way. Insert the battery. Power on the phone. Open a terminal. Check dmesg as you push the SD card fully into the slot (use dmesg -w)
Other details that could be helpful:
- You haven't told us if this is an Original Generation Pinephone or a Pinephone Pro
- You haven't told us what distribution (arch, mobian, ubports....) you are using.
- You haven't told us what desktop environment (phosh, plasma mobile, sxmo...) you are using