08-30-2022, 09:53 AM
(06-01-2022, 08:15 AM)alexandre Wrote: Sorry to use this forum as a bug traker…
Updating my arch-pinebook pro to linux-manjaro.5.18-whatever breaks my hdmi-usb-c output. Downgrading to linux-manjaro.5.17.9-2 fixes it. I dont know if manjaro users have the same issue.
Thanks for your work, once again.
Manjaro ARM users have the same issue. Therefore, the root cause is not Arch Linux ARM for Pinebook Pro.
Related merge request that removes USB-C alt display mode for Pinebook Pro from the Manjaro ARM kernel. A closed issue about this. It was removed on account of it being buggy (which it is). I do not see this being fixed in the near future for Manjaro ARM's main kernel.
When I have time I will test and possibly provide Megous' custom kernel, which has several patches specifically for the Pinebook Pro.