Boot problems

I've received my Pinephone some days ago. First it did boot fine, but not anymore...

When I press the power-on button this does not work always (not sure how long I should press on the button), but if I try it a few times the phone starts.
I see the LED's and the Pine64 logo. Then I hear a soft "click" sound and the phone is off again.

Is here somebody who knows what this click-sound can be?

With regards,
The click may be the speaker, or the camera focus mechanism.

I'd suggest using the serial console to find out why it's not booting. Details of the cable are in the wiki.
I don't have a serial console cable. Maybe I know somebody who has (Martijn Braam from PostmarketOS).

It does not sound like something what comes from a speaker, but like a relay. I don't think it's the speaker.

I've turned of the rear camera using the 4th dipswitch, then I don't hear the click-sound anymore. But the phone still does not boot.

I've also tried to turn-off the front camera, but then I still hear the click-sound.

It looks like the sound comes from the rear camera. But that information does not help much for the booting process.

I've seen that the phone is not completely off when the booting process stops. The display gives some light what you can see in the dark.

I start the phone now by giving it power from the USB-cable. When I connect the cable the phone starts, but not for long...

You could try ssh access via the USB cable - if you're lucky the OS version you're using will have USB networking and sshd enabled by default. This isn't the case for all of them, and I don't remember which is which, but it's worth a try while you don't have access to the serial cable.

The other thing is to try booting a different OS image from a uSD card. The Jumpdrive image should be a reliable way to see that the screen is working, and give access to the eMMC.
I cannot reproduce it, but I had one time information on the screen from UBports: "installing update". I did wait for over an hour, but the update did not finish. So maybe the boot problem has to do with an update.

I've booted with an SD card with Jumpdrive. Jumpdrive does boot ;-)

I will try another OS.

What does the reset-button do?
Mobian works from SD-card. It looks like this is a software problem, not hardware.

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