Installing VS Code (& Chromium)
pfeerick: you are correct, it is missing chromium install commit Smile

Rock/Pro 64/Pinebook Pro: LinuxChromium OS
So/Pine A64/Pinebook: LinuxAndroid 6.0Android 7.1

Buy me a Beer
These settings considerably improve chromium performance- please test them out and offer feedback.

In chromium searchbar type: Chrome://flags
Set the following:

Experimental canvas features - enable
Smooth Scrolling - disable
Number of raster threads - 4
Memory ablation experiment - enable (or 100mb - try both)

If this improves the performance for others, Prophesi would you please include these flags in your first post please ?
You can find me on IRC, Discord and Twitter

(05-13-2017, 07:53 AM)Luke Wrote: These settings considerably improve chromium performance- please test them out and offer feedback.

In chromium searchbar type: Chrome://flags
Set the following:

Experimental canvas features - enable
Smooth Scrolling - disable
Number of raster threads - 4
Memory ablation experiment - enable (or 100mb - try both)

If this improves the performance for others, Prophesi would you please include these flags in your first post please ?

I recommend the smooth scrolling be disabled by default if possible... smooth graphics is not a strong point of the pinebook... so any unnecessary screen updates we can get rid of the better. It looks like --disable-smooth-scrolling is the command line flag for that, so it could be added to the /etc/chromium-browser/defaults file as part of the image?

Hard to tell the impact of the other settings... it seems a bit quicker, but it could be mind over matter. I wasn't able to enable the memory ablation flag as it hasn't available in my build.

This will be handy reference to keep in mind when playing with the chromium flags: List of Chromium Command Line Switches
I suggest to use

cat > "/etc/chromium-browser/default" <<EOF
# Default settings for chromium-browser. This file is sourced by /bin/sh from
# /usr/bin/chromium-browser

# Options to pass to chromium-browser
--disable-smooth-scrolling \
--disable-low-res-tiling \
--enable-low-end-device-mode \
--num-raster-threads=4 \
--profiler-timing=0 \
--disable-composited-antialiasing \

Those settings have been added to the desktop installer in

Also useful is the "No MouseWheel Zoom" extension to get rid of the zoom when two finger scrolling.

Make sure to restart chromium after installing the extension of changing the commandline flags.
Thanks for the guide on installing VS Code! I love that text editor over the others.

However, I can't seem to get it to install even after the instructions. Running it via console, I get the following error.

/usr/share/code-oss/code-oss: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Doesn't seem like libgtk-x11 is in the common repositories. Any ideas?
[ PHP Developer | Pinebook 1G | About me ]
#16 says it is in this package

Make sure to install the armhf version... apt install libgtk2.0-0:armhf
Come have a chat in the Pine IRC channel >>
You might also want to do the following also if armhf architecture isn't already enabled... might help apt auto-switch on it's own if needed Wink

sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf
sudo apt update
Thanks so much to Prophesi for these VS Code instructions.  Just what I was looking for!
 - Brent -
Not being the most knowledgable Linux user, is the recently (within past 2 months) released arm64 version -
code-oss_1.14.0-1497990006_arm64.deb available at not installable on Pinebook?

I've tried, but encounter the same error mentioned by Soupbowl above.
I didn't have the same errors, but I had a lot of errors down the road, like having to do a scary "apt-get -f update" at some point forcing me to manually write "Yes, do as I say." before it completely broke my system...
So any news on newest howtos?

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