Phosh still in English, after switching languages
... Are there localisation packages I have to install to get the interface localized, or how to I achieve full localisation?


(09-09-2020, 12:28 PM)jro Wrote: ... Are there localisation packages I have to install to get the interface localized, or how to I achieve full localisation?



From the forum:


small note: is something wrong with the location?

I change the following for each img:

locale -a

  System Locale: LANG=de_DE.UTF-8
      VC Keymap: n/a
      X11 Layout: n/a

localectl set-keymap de
localectl set-x11-keymap de

sudo nano /etc/locale.gen

#de_CH ISO-8859-1
de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8 
#de_DE ISO-8859-1

sudo locale-gen

sudo nano /etc/locale.conf


Then everything can be changed to my language in Region & Language settings

locale -a
It depends on your language.
For example, I had to change to Mobian because Manjaro doesn't include a Japanese locale for some reason.
But if your language is available, once the language is set, a reboot will be required.

Chances are that the language is lacking translation in some areas.
Like here for example, where on one hand you can see パスコードを入力(input passcode), but on the other hand you see Unlock instead of 解除 (unlock in the sense of "remove restriction") or 確認 (verify).
[Image: 20201201_09h21m44s_grim.png]

Or some specific areas of the settings screen like "Mobile", which is entirely in English at the moment.
Or the chat app that is literally half translated.

I can translate them and I'm willing to do so, but I don't really understand how to submit my POT file.
There is definitely something wrong with how Manjaro handles locale, the post that firefox-58 mirrored here is a(n ugly) workaround, here's the bug report with a (IMO) better solution. The issue boils down to no matter what $LANG you set in /etc/locale.conf, it always defaults to C.UTF-8.

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