You can email to sales@pine64,org and ask to put your email on the "BraveHeat" standby list. Once factory fully operation after the Coronavirus epidemic and if there are some "BraveHeart" PinePhones left (normally factory produce slightly more to cover yield loss), sales team will email you.
still thinking about it, but anyone interested in buying mine? I was probably too much presumptuous thinking it could become a daily driver in short time, but I have not the necessary knowledge so I cannot get it to work as I was hoping. I can navigate, have been able to get wifi working, sound, installed ubuntu on emmc, but everything works with the problems we know for ex. if I turn wifi on modem stops working and I have to restart it, and so on and so on... need to run a whole lot of .sh files for all this, and battery doesn't last enough for my necessities. I really need a daily driver so I took the decision to have my broken screen ubuntu meizu repaired, and getting my money back would help. Not trying to make money on it, but an adequate offer could make me definitely decide. I have order confirmation from pine64 and custom bill, no invoice as it's been sent as a gift, as known.
ps of course, it's in mint condition, only the screen protection foil is not perfect anymore: micro scratches; original box