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  Linux Support
Posted by: UnixOutlaw - 05-26-2016, 11:45 PM - Forum: LCD and Touch Panel - Replies (69)

Got my 2 x 2GB Pine 64 and 7" LCD on Tuesday (backer 31,000ish) - I've got Debian XFCE running over HDMI on one of them successfully. 

But - main question - I don't want to run Android to get touch-screen LCD support - I want to run "native" Linux.  

And from what I can see - the only way to use the Pine supplied LCD touchpanel is to run the Android image built for the touchscreen?  And I'm guessing it defaults to portrait (another thread somewhere else suggests the next build will include a DD image and rotate screen 180 degrees - thread was from last week, and it said "next week" - but haven't seen a new image for Android 5.1 touchscreen on the downloads via the wiki page)...
Here : http://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?t...5#pid10025

  Remote power up
Posted by: mFinnholm - 05-26-2016, 11:37 PM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials - No Replies

Lazy as I am, I started thinking about a way to power up the Pine from the comfort of my couch instead of getting up and pressing the power button.

And I got a solution! (A theoretical atleast, until I get all needed hardware)

I´m going to use a Wemos D1 Mini with its Relay shield.

And that is controlled via wifi with the Blynk app from my smartphone.

I can post some pictures when I got it working Smile

  Does ubuntu img support the touch screen
Posted by: kingsing2 - 05-26-2016, 10:40 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (4)

I've got my pine64 with 2G RAM , together with lcd. I can boot successfully with android img for lcd version, and it worked well. But it failed with Ubuntu img. The lcd doesn't light up. So I 'd like to know if the Ubuntu img support the lcd or if somebody would add the lcd driver?

  3D printed cases
Posted by: pine64noob - 05-26-2016, 10:35 PM - Forum: Enclosures - Replies (2)

Hi everyone, 

I am wondering if anyone has the 3d printed pine logo case. I saw this one on instagram and a white one. I really like the white one. If you have the file, could you send me the link? Thank you in advance! I am sorry if it was posted in this forum, I already tried looking for it.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Question Help sourcing LiPo in Canada
Posted by: pinkelephants - 05-26-2016, 10:34 PM - Forum: Lithium and RTC Ports - Replies (3)

I hope to be receiving my Pine any day now, but I have yet to find a good alternative battery that can be purchased in Canada (the official one can't be shipped here, AFAIK). I'm new to buying batteries and don't want to get the wrong one and have everything blow up, so I'm hoping someone can help point me in the right direction.

To note, I've also ordered the LCD screen and PlayBox enclosure, with the hope of making a tablet of sorts. Ideal would be a battery that fits into the enclosure, like the 'official' one does. I don't need anything hugely powerful -- even just an hour or two of juice would suit my uses for now.

I do have a battery pack that I can use in a pinch until I find something better, but I'd prefer something that can be charged whenever the Pine is plugged in, plus fits in the case and doesn't take up a USB port.

Thanks for any help!

  Pine64 to TV mode not supported
Posted by: nizam27391 - 05-26-2016, 10:15 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (10)


I got my Pine64 two days ago. Thanks to Pine64 team!

But I have trouble in setting up the OS in Pine64. I tried using RemixOS (both Phoenix and DD image) and also Android 5.

The write to SD card is working fine and successful. But when I connect Pine to my TV (Samsung LA27S71B), it says "Mode Not Supported". After hours of searching, people said its due to resolution problem. But how can I fix resolution problem if I cannot have it displayed? THis is working fine with my Raspberry Pi 3 (OpenElec).

Any idea how to fix this? I have no other monitor or TV around here. 

I also did try to run it in virtualbox to boot from SD card. But it says no bootable medium found.

Can anyone help me with this please..


  Pine64 tries to boot but shows pixelated box
Posted by: andreww88 - 05-26-2016, 07:24 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (6)

Hi, first off I am brand new to this. I just got my Pine64 this week. Also, I have a Mac and I have tried putting RemixOS and Android on the SD card with the Mac using Apple Pi Baker. Both times, I see the logo (either android or pine64) and then it shows a box that looks very pixelated. It tries to reboot once and then after that it shuts itself off. 

I just want to make sure I don't have any other problem. I am currently downloading RemixOS on my Windows laptop and I am going to try PhoenixCard. It is a really slow computer so it is taking a much longer time than my Mac did. I just wanted to see if anyone had any quick thoughts about what could be going on.

I'll try to answer as many questions as I can and I am really trying to learn all of this. I'm not new to computers, but I am new to Pine and I am not a developer.

Thank you!

  2 out of 4 boards present a problem with internet (ethernet)
Posted by: g_t_j - 05-26-2016, 03:16 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (10)

I got my order 2 days ago and first thing I did was to try if everything works right. 
I got 4 Pines (2GGB version).

After I successfully created 3 Sandisk 16GB (uhs-1 uU3) android sd cards with the latest build, I started testing them
All 4 booted flawlessly within seconds. However, only 2 of them can browse the internet and connect to Play Store.

They do get an IP assigned while date and time get also synchronized, nevertheless it is like if they are not connected to the internet at all! I'm unable to browse any site (not even Google) and Play Store displays connection error.

After I saw this behaviour by 2 of my Pines, I decided I will run all 4 under the same circumstances (same 20awg usb lead, Anker 2.4A PSU, connected to my Gigabit switch with a specific 50cm Cat7 Ethernet cable, same microSD)

The same 2 that initially had problems, persisted the same behaviour (got IP and date/time but no internet)

I subsequently tried the Wifi/BT module with those 2 and successfully connected to the internet.

At this point, I started believing there is a problem with their Gigabit chip. It was then that I thought I had to try another OS. I burnt an image with xbuntu (latest longsleep's version). The 2 specific Pines booted within seconds and connected to the internet successfully. I browsed the internet with Pidora and they were quite responsive.

However, when I tried a speed test (speedtest.net) I got only 0.5/5 and 5/5 respectively while my usual speeds are 74/5.

That said, upload speed doesn't seem to be affected. Download is hammered though!

I have seen some users recommending one should push the Gigabit network to 100Mbit in order to achieve decent download speeds. Despite I don't know how am I supposed to be doing this, I am willing to try.

The question is why 2 of my Pines perform excellent within my Gigabt network while the other 2 don't?
Is there a possibility those 2 being faulty? With just 30 days of warranty I don't have much time to experiment or wait for updates. If there is no solution soon I'll have to send those 2 back as they clearly underperform under pretty much all conditions.


By the way the board exceeded my expectations. I was expecting something MUCH WORSE judging by all these posts lately with dozens of different problems users have faced as of now. However, latest Android works really smooth and fast for me with no crashes whatsoever. I can see smooth 1080p YouTube videos through YouTube app and browsing the internet is flawless. Ubuntu worked also quite well during the few minutes I tested it. I suggest all those who face any kind of problems to use a good quality SD card, burn a rooted DD image of the size of their card with Win32diskimager, use short 20AWG charging cables and a known-branded PSU rated over 2A. Provided you do all these, I doubt you will have problems or instability issues.

Good job guys. I can see some serious potential on the Pine. This thing can only get better from now on!

  Mounting network NFS/CIFS shares
Posted by: simmo - 05-26-2016, 01:55 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (1)

Has anybody found a way to mount a network share using either NFS or CIFS under Android?

I have a NAS with various shares on which I'd like to make accessible to my Pine64. This would give me far greater storage capacity than an SD Card, plus it makes sharing files between other devices easier. I realise that apps such as ES Explorer can access network shares, however mounting is preferable since it would then mean the data is accessible immediately without having to ES Explorer to upload/download first.

I have Android rooted and I've installed the Termux terminal emulator app. Normally I would be able to use the following mount command but it fails with a "No such device" error:

mount -t nfs [ip address]:/[share] /mnt/nfs

I suspect this is because the kernel does not have NFS or CIFS support, since running "cat /proc/filesystems" does not include either nfs or cifs in the list. Are these available for download as kernel modules somewhere?

  Finally working - Maybe my experience can offer help?
Posted by: fdupbad - 05-26-2016, 12:41 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (1)

Been horsing around with my Pine64 for about a week.  Spent several hours on it at home and a few at work too.  After getting an image to finally boot fully, I worked backwards and determined what some of my problems were.


1) HDMI Display: It was only after my 4th or 5th trip to these forums that I realized that you have to have a 1080p (or better maybe?) display.  My TV at home is old and only does 720.  You may occasionally see digital garbage on the screen but you will never see a proper image, like that white Pine A64 screen you have been waiting for

2) The power supply thing has been beat to death, and my hang up ended up being the cable.  I went to the store and specifically bought a larger gauge cable they said was better for charging, high power etc.  In actuality, it was worse.  If you think your power supply should be up to snuff, start swapping the charging cable.  The one that eventually worked for me is the one that came with my old Samsung S2 five or so years ago.

3) If you are really stuck on the power supply, go to the Dollar Tree and buy a $3-$5 USB battery booster (backup? whatever) that they make for plugging into a cell phone. A battery has the ability to provide the necessary current (even for a short time) that many power supplies do not have.  I ran the board a good 30 minutes off one of these and it wasn't even fully charged.

So... symptoms...

The majority of my time was wasted at home with the insufficient display.  I am confident that at least one of my configurations would have booted early on if I had the proper display.  What you will most likely see is your red light coming on and staying on as if the board is properly powered and working.  On the 720 monitor, 99.9% of the time I just saw a black screen.  I kept trudging along because of that .1% of the time when the screen showed digital garbage, as if it was trying to boot the display or something.  It was mostly green blotches like you see when your satellite starts to go out in bad weather.

After getting past that and bringing the board to work with a shiny new 1080p monitor, every attempt at least brought me as far as the Pine A64 screen (when using RemixOS), or to the Allwinner Powered by Android screen (when using the Android 5.1 image).  Sometimes, the board would shut off (red LED and all) after a few seconds, others it would just hang.  These could both be signs of insufficient power.  During my week of frustration, I went to the store and bought a dual 2.1A power supply made for charging old Ipads.  The discount electronic store still had these despite the fact that it comes with the old 30 pin connector.  It has USB of course, so I just tossed the iphone wire and used the "supposedly" beefy wire I bought at the same time.  My first hint that my problem could have been either of these items was when it took twice as long to charge my blackberry with this combo than it does with my old Huawei android phone charger.  If you bought new equipment to play with this, test it out with your devices and see how long it takes to charge your phone, tablet or whatever.

Day two at work I decided to bring the battery booster thingy.  I continued to use it with my 'new' wire, and the board would stay powered instead of shutting off after 10-20 seconds.  However it would hang at either of the splash screens mentioned above or get to a blank white screen on Remix.  Once it started writing the word remix (which is what its supposed to do if you haven't seen it go that far yet) and then died during that.  I read somewhere that if you are flat out stuck, load a Linux distro on to the SD card and try that.  I downloaded Debian (the first one in the Wiki download page I think) and rather than a splash screen, it goes right to a running stream of text like Linux often does during boot.  It shut off once during this and permanently froze a second time. 

It was at this point that I went out to my car and grabbed my old samsung wire for something different. Using this and the battery, the board booted up on first attempt.  It did stop during boot at the same point in the stream of text, but them went on to a black screen and finally the login screen.  After successfully playing around in Debian, I fetched my other SD card with Remix on it and popped it in.  This also loaded first attempt.  From there I worked backwards and swapped out the battery for the ipad charger I bought.  Success there as well. 

The moral of the story is that any one little thing can make these boards grind to a halt.  I think the things you want to look for in order are the red light staying on rather than shutting off, then make sure at least you see the corresponding splash screen for the OS you chose.  This should come up on screen within 2-3 seconds.  If it does not, either your write to the card is wrong somehow or possibly you need to play with another TV or monitor.

Hoe this gives a couple of extra hints that I didn't see elsewhere.