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  Exp Header UART for TTL is True Serial Console (very nice)
Posted by: MarkHaysHarris777 - 06-20-2016, 12:10 PM - Forum: Pi2, Euler and Exp GPIO Ports - Replies (12)


The Exp header is a true TTL serial console (out of box) for both the lenny.raposo debian image with Longsleep kernel, as well the Ubuntu distro with Longsleep kernel ~very nice !

From boot-up through shutdown this UART port is a true console (including login) which also includes the uboot sequence; very impressive. The Raspberry PI folks are struggling with this at the moment; they are having UART issues in their PI 3B. Its good to see that the serial console on the PineA64 is good-to-go straight-away (nice job folks, really!)

From the pic, you can use either pin(9) or (6) for ground; pin(7) is the Pine Tx line, and pin(8) is the Pine Rx line.  I have my PL2303 usb TTL serial cable plugged in running the console on my gnu+linux HP notebook (debian-Mint) using either minicom, or screen.

Make sure your PL2303 is set for 3v3 operation, or you'll blow the Pine A64.


  Android Gaming Image
Posted by: KryPtAlIvIaN - 06-20-2016, 09:29 AM - Forum: Game Station Emulation - Replies (50)

I'm going to attempt to make an Android Gaming Image. I need a few people to test the image when I get it going. You will need to be familiar with android. 

Basically, I'm going to install RetroArch and have it boot straight into Retroarch. Let me know if you would like to give it a try.




 Here is a link to the EARLY Alpha https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz2C40k...sp=sharing

Posted by: ColourDen - 06-20-2016, 07:16 AM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (1)

So I'm one of those unfortunate saps who got the bogus shipping notice, only to watch it go from Pending to Expired and back to Pending.

What's happening? It's now 3 weeks, and nothing. There is nothing more frustrating than watching everyone else receive their packages, and I sit here with my useless tracking number, regretting that I wasted $100+ on this.

Backerkit states the product as "shipped", which I have asked them to modify, as it obviously has not.

Would appreciate more than just "our shipper screwed up", because that in turn means you as a company (or developer, or whatever you want to call a Kickstarter) has screwed up.


  Yes I'm up and running with mine Pine64!
Posted by: gbjensen - 06-20-2016, 04:21 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (1)

I got my Pine64 2GB with WiFi and Bluetooth Thursday evening.

I was ready to start my first test. I was a bit anxious due to all the complains found in this forum, but I had made some preparations to avoid all to many issues.

My plan was to make a Media center based on Kodi and other Android apps.

I havd already (without problems) downloaded a Remix and a Android image to two different SD cards (Samsung 64GB EVO) using the PhoenixCard tool. I had no problems using this tool.

The first boot was with the Remix image, the Pine was connected to a small TV (1080p) and a OnePlus mobile phone charger. (it's not my intention to use this PSU for anything else than this first test) I had to adjust the image aspect at the TV to full, to see all the pixels from the pine.
The booting process completed without any problems and finally was the system up and running!
I did the same with the Android images, just to see which system I would prefer for the future.

I have invested some few $ into a dedicated power supply (5V 4A) this was the connected to the Eula bus pins (used two VCCIN pins and two GND pins and only 5cm long wires)
The next step was to connect my USB Harddisk, But I had some problems reading form it. The HD made some noise indicating it did not work correctly. I search for answers in this forum and found it. I needed a USB hub with external power, due the the maximum output load at the USB connectors.
I found a USB hub, connected it and was the able to see the HD in Android, but not in Remix. This was corrected by installing a USB driver from Google Play.

I have installed Kodi and some other apps from Google Play, without any problems. all works as it should. 

Yesterday did I test the installation connected to our 40" Living room Philips TV - Works perfect.

So I need to say, It has been a very easy startup process for me, everything works as expected and I'm VERY pleased for my Pine64!
Smile Smile Smile

  Expired shipping number
Posted by: smokeyvegas - 06-19-2016, 10:25 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (3)

Backer# 5,524.  Shipping number LS913201650CN

Posted by: phloog - 06-19-2016, 01:26 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (21)

I have tried MULTIPLE OS (Android, ReMix, Ubuntu) on the SD card, and multiple HDMI cables...AND MULTIPLE HDMI MONITORS/TVs, and I get the same thing every time.

Red Light comes on, and the monitor seems to attempt to recognize the signal coming in, then immediately gives it whatever each monitors version of "Unsupported Mode" might be...

Since it's not saying "No Signal", it seems like the board is trying to do something, but I think you'll all agree that the Pine64 is not particularly useful without video output.

Any thoughts?  I guess I'm getting worried because it seems like there's very little of this project that wasn't subject to large quality issues (whether product-related or service)

  LCD powers up but nothing is displayed?
Posted by: onkyo808 - 06-19-2016, 11:48 AM - Forum: LCD and Touch Panel - Replies (28)

So I have the LCD touchscreen that came with my pine64. I have the TP cable connected and the DSI cable connected with all pins facing down.  I also have the lcd image file downloaded from the forums that a member had linked.  I used the win32 dsk imager to burn the image to my class 10 32 gig micro sd card.

I power it up and only the lcd display is connected but when I also plug in the hdmi cable after its powered up,  everything shows up on my tv and when I touch the touchscreen I can see it respond on my tv but nothing displays on my LCD screen.  What could I be doing wrong here? Is this one defective?

Thank you

  TV Screen Edge woes: 2 Fixes
Posted by: NexusDude - 06-19-2016, 08:27 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (10)

.   The edges of the Pine64's screen aren't showing on your TV. It's as if you are zoomed in. Angry

    Let's fix that, shall we?

    Method 1: Settings of your TV  Smile
    You can adjust the settings of your TV. You may have already tried that. Can it be done on
    your TV, you wonder? In most cases, yes, it can.

    Which menu and sub-menu?
    There's no standard method of organizing the settings of TVs. Many TV settings menus
    appear to have been designed by confused rabbits running late. Poke around, and definitely
    try these menus and sub-menus:

  • Picture
  • Video
  • Advanced Video
  • Screen
  • Screen Adjustment
  • Picture Size
  • or who knows, just try exploring...
    What is the item called?
    Look for any of these.
  • Overscan
  • Scan
  • Screen Fit
  • Screen Fill
  • Format
  • Title Safe / Safe Title
  • Action Safe / Safe Action
  • TV safe
  • Aspect Ratio*
  • Resolution*
  • Size*
  • Wide / Width*
  • High / Height*
   *Some RPi users report using these items to correct this issue on their TVs. It may be 
    necessary with your TV, but I'd avoid it if I could.

    What is the correct setting?
    The correct option could be:
  • Just scan
  • Dot by Dot
  • Fit
  • Off / uncheck (for Overscan)
  • 1x1 pixel ratio
  • Full
  • Auto / Auto Config
  • On / check
  • 4:3 (or even 16:9) *
  • 1080p / 1080i *
  • or other options (experiment)
    Put in a little time and effort. Check all the sub-menus. Even if you can't find it right
    away, it's probably there, somewhere. Look again.

    Succeed with method 1, and the issue is fixed for that TV, even if you later use a different
    OS image. Plus, it fixes this for Android, RemixOS and Linux. But will it affect your other
    uses of the TV, like, say watching? It might.

    Method 2: Settings of Android -- Screen Scrap Edge
    Here's another option that works only for Android using HDMI. Both DD images and rooted
    DD images can use this method. RemixOS cannot.

    Go to Settings / Display / Screen scrap edge. Set width and height to ~96%.

    With Screen Scrap Edge, you must apply this fix every time you change the Android image.
    That is, if you upgrade to a new Android image, then you have to do this over again. But it
    wasn't that hard, was it?

    Don't use both methods, unless you want a black frame of unused space.

    I hope this helps.   Smile  Don't forget to give this a thumbs up, if it helps you, and definitely 
    add your own TV settings experience below.

Posted by: igna09 - 06-19-2016, 04:15 AM - Forum: Pine A64 Hardware, Accessories and POT - Replies (4)

Hi, i would like to know what is the maximum current i can use from a gpio and a 5v pin.

Posted by: modsbyus - 06-18-2016, 08:03 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (13)

There is two spots on the board for LEDs. Do they have a predetermined function?

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