07-02-2018, 09:51 AM
hello friends,
Although the movidius NCS doesn't officially support the rock64, I was able to modify the install scripts to get it working. I went with the Bionic-LXDE operating system (since it appears to be the most stable DE). Note that this is version 1 of the SDK. Future plans is to convert version 2 soon.
I created a github repo with instructions on how to set everything up
basically just
If you want to install tensorflow, I made an aarch64 version
then, to build the examples, run
Also you can watch a video I made that goes through all the steps as well
good luck!!
Mark Jay
Although the movidius NCS doesn't officially support the rock64, I was able to modify the install scripts to get it working. I went with the Bionic-LXDE operating system (since it appears to be the most stable DE). Note that this is version 1 of the SDK. Future plans is to convert version 2 soon.
I created a github repo with instructions on how to set everything up
basically just
git clone https://github.com/markjay4k/ncsdk-aarch64.git
cd ncsdk-aarch64
sudo make install
source ~/.bashrc
sudo make api
If you want to install tensorflow, I made an aarch64 version
git clone https://github.com/markjay4k/Tensorflow-1.9rc0-py36-aarch64.git
pip3 install Tensorflow-1.9rc0-py36-aarch64/tensorflow-1.9.0rc0-cp36-cp36m-linux_aarch64.whl
then, to build the examples, run
sudo make examples
Also you can watch a video I made that goes through all the steps as well
good luck!!
Mark Jay