Webcam support
Hi! I'd like to know if it's possible to use a GSPCA webcam (Genius Eye 312) and what should I do to make this work...

I connected it and it's recognized but I don't have the needed kernel modules 

11: USB 00.0: 11200 TV Card
  [Created at usb.122]
  Unique ID: PYMB.aEpd4CIdXq6
  Parent ID: zPk0.0z742tmRuH6
  SysFS ID: /devices/platform/usb@ff600000/ff600000.dwc3/
  SysFS BusID: 4-1:1.0
  Hardware Class: tv card
  Model: "Pixart Imaging Webcam Genius"
  Hotplug: USB
  Vendor: usb 0x093a "Pixart Imaging, Inc."
  Device: usb 0x2622 "Webcam Genius"
  Revision: "1.00"
  Speed: 12 Mbps
  Module Alias: "usb:v093Ap2622d0100dc00dsc00dp00icFFiscFFipFFin00"
  Driver Info #0:
    Driver Status: gspca_pac7311 is not active
    Driver Activation Cmd: "modprobe gspca_pac7311"
  Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown
  Attached to: #10 (Hub)

Any help woult be appreciated!
That looks more like a TV card class device, would have to check if gspca_pac7311 is available in the current kernel and what configs to enable if any, or if it needs out of tree firmware and drivers...

Edit: are the config options

Edit2: It seems to be available in the kernel sources we use

So it's maybe only a matter of enabling the configs and building a new kernel/the modules...
Come have a chat in the Pine IRC channel >>
Any chance on pointing me out how to do that?
Please, help!
did a google search,

looks like this camera has been a problem since 2008 , at least.
I get it it's a low cost camera and might have problems but what I need is to build the module and then deal with those problems
So no one is able to help?
have you checked with the genius eye manufacturer about what is available from them? or maybe find support forums geared toward that hardware. buying a piece of hardware that is very old when you seemingly do not have the skills to do what is necessary was a bad move. i'm guessing you did zero research on what you would need to do to even try to get it working on the rock64, that was another bad suggestion is to spend about 2 or 3 hours a day teaching yourself the skills you need to take on a project like this. members here have their own projects and it seems do not have the time it would take to do what it seems to amount to is doing basically the whole project. so learn how to do it yourself or in the future do not buy hardware you do not have the skills to try these time consuming projects. if you learn how to do things yourself you will be very happy in 2 or 3 years, and if you do not want to teach yourself then do not buy hardware that you know you can not get running. there, i spent about 5 minutes of my time doing my best to help you. it is a very busy time of the year and i have several of my own things to do. so don't try to make me and others feel bad about not being able to help you further. merry Christmas and good luck in the new year in learning a really great set of skills.

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