(07-18-2017, 07:10 PM)pfeerick Wrote: As Tommypine said, Armbian has support all three for quite a while
ayufan's xenial images should also support 1 and 2 without any issue, and have at least the display output for 3) (probably with a settings change in uEnv.txt) but I'm not sure about the touchscreen support OOTB.
Many thanks to both of you! I had no idea Armbian can support LCD because PINE64 Wiki is misleading in this respect:
http://wiki.pine64.org/index.php/Pine_A6...se#Armbian mentions nothing about it, while openSUSE just above it has in bold letters:
- As of 7/12/2016 an image supporting the official LCD is available.
Hence, if someone searches the page for "LCD" only Android and SUSE show up.
Ayufan's Android 7.1 used to support LCD, but the last built 0.3.5 is broken (see his Github page for issues). I did not know about his Xenial's support the same way I didn't know about Armbian's - the Wiki page has nothing about it.