The colour mapping auto calibrates - bright yellow in that image is around 40degC.
The moving calibration is a bit annoying. Next time I'll save temp values on specific areas from the app too.
interesting that all 3 chips end up within a couple degrees of each other and that the A64 has what looks like better ability to dissipate heat but never gets below the other 2 chips.
06-23-2017, 10:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2017, 10:03 AM by netsean.)
I ran 2 temperature tests on the sopine64 one with no apps running and another with a youtube video playing at 1080p. I attached a probe on to all three chip, Foresee chip on channel 2, A64 on channel 3, AXP803 onto channel 4 and channel 1 was used to measure room temperature.
Test 1: I simply booted the board from cold and measured the temperature over time without running any user applications and from the graph below you can see the temperature rising very quickly with the A64 reach a peak 54.78 degrees in about 2 mins. see graph below for the temperature of all chips and the room temp
Test 2: I waited for the chips to reach as close to room temperature possible and booted the device then played back a 1080p youtube. during this test it reached a peak 80.14 degree after 5 mins. I also monitored the CPUs and they were ramping up and down every few seconds from as high as 97% all the way down to 1% (I didn't perform this check in test 1 as I didn't want anything extra including GUIs running). see graph below for results.
is this comparable to what people are seeing?