Newbie impressions PP64
Hi All

If this is the wrong place to post this , please correct me.

First time here and finally feel confident enough to consider using it daily.

Didn't take me more than a day or two to move away from the pre-installed Manjaro.
Simply not in the mood to learn another Linux flavour. And what is it with all the weird app names ? (maybe showing my age)

I have a fair amount of experience using Debian on Industrial machines for 10+ years,
so decided on Mobian bullseye initially and then re-imaged to bookworm in the last day or so.

1:  To use a phone here in Australia on a daily basis, there are some requirements that may not exist elsewhere.
Where ever we go (during this covid crisis) we have to scan in using QR code.
Each state has it's own app, but of course only on iPhone or android.

Finally managed to get the .apk file for our local app and installed ANBOX, only to find out that the camera doesn't work (yet) on ANBOX.
Would love to hear if anyone has QR code scanning resolved.

2:  After spending a day or so trying to get iphone contacts exported to the PP, I gave up and started typing them in.
     I'm retired, so it was time to cull a few anyway.

3:  The Hub that came with the PP works well on the usb (Mouse , memory sticks etc) but is flaky on the HDMI.
     In Bookworm it is better then bullseye, but on some apps it will switch back to the PP.
     Getting it to work at startup is the main problem. I have tried booting the PP with hdmi plugged in, also just hot plugging it.
     In the end I hot plug it and wait,wait,wait and wait some more. Finally the monitor goes to back ground colour.
     That is the sign to open an app and watch it disappear to the left of the monitor. Close the app and open it again, now it is in the middle of the monitor and is usable.
     The best way I found to use it, was to select single monitor use only.

4:  Wifi occasionally wont come on, so have to go to settings/wifi and just click the network and all is good again.

5:  Some apps are not set to the screen size of the phone and you find that the "Next" or "Accept" button is not visible, because it is off the screen
     and you can't slide the screen sideways to reveal the missing buttons.

6:  The Portfolio app (I know it Mobian not PP problem) is only good enough to see what you got, you cant cut/paste/copy or delete.
     Will have to find an app to replace that.

7:   Deleting apps or icons from the screen must require you to hold your tongue just right, because I can't find where or how.

    I will use it as my daily phone IF I can get QR code to work.

1. All I'll say about that particular situation is that is truly awful. That kind of software kind of defeats the whole purpose of a phone dedicated to privacy. What do they do for people who don't have smartphones? Surely there must be some other option. There have been posts here indicating that at present Megapixels is the only application that can access the Pinephone camera. It can scan a QR code but I think just puts the data into the desktop paste buffer.

2.  For contacts, if you are using Mobian then Evolution contacts are used. If you can export your contacts in a form that Evolution can import you can transfer them. I did this from my old flip phone, I think I used csv format. You can import the contacts into Evolution on a desktop Linux system which are placed in the file ~/.local/share/evolution/addressbook/system/contacts.db. You then copy this file to your Mobian installation at /home/mobian/.local/share/evolution/addressbook/system/contacts.db. Restart the phone and your contacts will be there. (At least at the time I transferred my contacts in late 2020 it was necessary to have the country code included with the phone number, "+1" in my case, or it was not possible to dial out from the contact list.)

3. The hub has been reported to be flakey with HDMI. This is likely one of the many things that still needs more work. I have not tried HDMI video myself but have found the dock works fine for connecting USB devices and connecting to a wired network.

4. I have not really had any problems with WiFi except when I accidentally tapped on the WiFi icon on the top dropdown menu, which toggled it off. That might be something to watch out for. As you're probably aware WiFi support is limited to the 2.4GHz band.

5. Most applications are for standard desktop PC and not adapted for the Pinephone screen. Sometimes if you change to landscape mode that can help. The screen resolution can be adjusted which can also help. I use a script that was posted on the board some time ago for this, but I think now it can also be adjusted in Settings.

6. The Portfolio file manager is very limited. You can install Nemo which has more features and used to be Mobian's default file manager. The problem is that doing cut, paste, etc. operations requires a right-click which you can't really do from the touch screen interface. You can do it if you have a mouse installed or use wayvnc to access the Pinephone screen remotely from a PC that has a mouse.

7. Application icons the screen are associated with *.desktop files in /usr/share/applications. One way to remove icons then would be to move the appropriate .desktop file to a holding location. (Probably best not to delete it.) You can also have your own custom .desktop files in .local/share/applications.

Be sure to check the Mobian wiki, there's a lot of info there. You'll probably find the "Tweaks & Customizations" section of particular interest:
Hi All

Thanks for the reply.
You have to use the app everywhere you go. Enter a Mall, scan in, goto a shop in the Mall,scan in. Every public place you can think of, you have to scan in.
The up-side is, as soon as someone infected is in the same place as you at the same time, you get notified and have to self isolate etc,etc.
I volunteer at the local Museum (No as a Dinosaur I am not an exhibit) , but there I have installed a system (Linux of course) that allows us to enter details of visitors that don't have a smart phone.

This issue is the only thing stopping me from dumping my iPhone.
I have complained to the developer of the app to try and get a Linux version.???

I have hands like coal shovels and so connecting to a monitor/keyboard for doing things like contact entry etc is almost essential.
A Blue Tooth keyboard works well for this

Will keep an eye on wiki and also the updates to see what changes.

(01-08-2022, 11:16 PM)Zebulon Walton Wrote: What do they do for people who don't have smartphones?

This is simply the way communism/fascism works; you WILL do exactly what the government dictates you to do, or be dragged into a "happy fun time camp".

(01-09-2022, 12:32 AM)Dinosaur1946 Wrote: I volunteer at the local Museum (No as a Dinosaur I am not an exhibit) , but there I have installed a system (Linux of course) that allows us to enter details of visitors that don't have a smart phone.

At least nice to read your museum is kind enough to have a workaround.
But regardless of purpose, I'd rather disconnect myself from soyciety (typo is on purpose) completely than to basically dox myself wherever I go, so I'm thankful we still didn't go totalitarian here yet.
(01-08-2022, 07:22 PM)Dinosaur1946 Wrote: ...
First time here and finally feel confident enough to consider using it daily.


(01-08-2022, 07:22 PM)Dinosaur1946 Wrote: ...
1:  To use a phone here in Australia on a daily basis, there are some requirements that may not exist elsewhere.
Where ever we go (during this covid crisis) we have to scan in using QR code.
Each state has it's own app, but of course only on iPhone or android.

Finally managed to get the .apk file for our local app and installed ANBOX, only to find out that the camera doesn't work (yet) on ANBOX.
Would love to hear if anyone has QR code scanning resolved.

Simple - megapixels is your friend Big Grin 
1) "You must install our app" - check: it is on my old Android phone in my drawer.
2) "You must scan this QR code" - check: aim megapixels at the code and click the red bit
3) Copy the code, put it in your pipe and smoke it!
Enter wherever and enjoy!
(This is not intended to start a freedom/privacy/anti-vax flame war - please ignore my opinion if it offends you. But above all I can not abide folk who mandate I have to carry an Android or IOS!)

(01-08-2022, 07:22 PM)Dinosaur1946 Wrote: ...
6:  The Portfolio app (I know it Mobian not PP problem) is only good enough to see what you got, you cant cut/paste/copy or delete.
     Will have to find an app to replace that.

sudo apt install pcmanfm

(01-08-2022, 07:22 PM)Dinosaur1946 Wrote: ...
7:   Deleting apps or icons from the screen must require you to hold your tongue just right, because I can't find where or how.

edit the relevant .desktop file in /usr/share/applications and add a line
just below the "Exec" or "Terminal" line

Top tip: ADD a line

for icons that are NOT on the "Mobile friendly" screen but you find them mobile friendly!
  • ROCKPro64 v2.1 2GB, 16Gb eMMC for rootfs, SX8200Pro 512GB NVMe for /home, HDMI video & sound, Bluetooth keyboard & mouse. Arch (6.2 kernel, Openbox desktop) for general purpose daily PC.
  • PinePhone Pro Explorer Edition, daily driver, rk2aw & U-boot on SPI, Arch/SXMO & Arch/phosh on eMMC
  • PinePhone BraveHeart now v1.2b 3/32Gb, Tow-boot with Arch/SXMO on eMMC
(01-08-2022, 07:22 PM)Dinosaur1946 Wrote: Hi All
1:  To use a phone here in Australia on a daily basis, there are some requirements that may not exist elsewhere.
Where ever we go (during this covid crisis) we have to scan in using QR code.
Each state has it's own app, but of course only on iPhone or android.

I have the same "Problem" here in Germany.
No iOS, No Android, just SailfishOS.

I made a Picture from my Coronastuff-QR-Code and show it to interrested Peobles.

"Proof of COVID-19 vaccination
You can get proof of COVID-19 vaccinations by signing in to myGov...."

"If you’re using your Medicare online account through myGov:

    Sign in to your myGov account using a browser on your device.
    Select Go to Medicare from the Proof of your COVID-19 vaccination quick link.
    Select View history.
    Select your name, then Share with check in app.
    Choose an app to share your digital certificate with and select Share...."


Edit: Last Link formatted
(01-09-2022, 06:49 AM)dukla2000 Wrote: (This is not intended to start a freedom/privacy/anti-vax flame war

My apologies to respond to this, but technically there's nothing anti-vax about being unable to show a QR-code for either having a different OS on your phone or having no smartphone at all.
Considering Dinosaur said that he tried to get the app to work under Anbox, it's pretty much ASSumed he got the jab(s).

But even though right now we have 2 completely conflicting sides on this issue, I'm positive that somewhere this year we'll be able to put our differences aside and unite as 1 people rather than the whole apartheid system the elites want to force upon the entire world.
Considering we're in the final days of the Kali Yuga (the worst and shortest of the 4 Yuga's, started even before Jesus Christ) and entering Satya Yuga (the best and longest of the 4 Yuga's, basically paradise on earth), I do have a feeling the end is near and a lot of people will go like "wir haben das nicht gewusst", again.
Hi all

Quote:@ryo, At least nice to read your museum is kind enough to have a workaround.

Every place of entry is mandated to have one, but few do. In fact many don't bother checking if you did log in.

I made a Picture from my Coronastuff-QR-Code and show it to interrested Peobles.
Last resort.

I'll leave the covid issue at that.

3) Copy the code, put it in your pipe and smoke it!
I would love you to elaborate on that. QR codes have more then a http: address (or so I am told).

So, I have been trying to install a qr code scanner that will read the camera, no luck.
Currently trying to find the fomat that "THEY" expect so that I can paste it together and send it, not easy.

Quote:sudo apt install pcmanfm
Why didn't I think of that,??? I use it on all my Debian machines. (I blame age)

Many thanks for the replies.

(01-09-2022, 02:50 PM)r Dinosaur1946 Wrote: ...
3) Copy the code, put it in your pipe and smoke it!
I would love you to elaborate on that. QR codes have more then a http: address (or so I am told).

I am familiar with 2 types of Covid/QR code "things":

1) Each place/pub/institution has their own QR code on the wall at all the entrances and you are supposed to use an appropriate (IOS or Android) app to scan in on arrival. e.g. this is what the NHS app does in the UK (and then stores where you have been and eventually through some magic decides whether to tell you to isolate as someone else in that pub at that time has tested positive.
2) You carry around a QR code that represents your personal vaccination status and wave it at someone who cares. Again this is a common "Covid passport" in Europe as per @walter1950: in Germany I found folks in restaurants just wanted to see a (any?) QR code on your phone, whereas Danish border control went off and scanned the thing and no doubt had some proper checks to validate whatever it was they wanted to validate! However for this use case carrying a piece of paper with your QR code works fine.

I jumped to the conclusion that your initial question was along the lines of scenario 1. My explanation is what I do with my PP for scenario 1. Of course there is no connection between the QR code at an establishment I enter, megapixels on my PP which does indeed scan QR codes and then the Android app on my phone (that remains switched off in my drawer for weeks on end.) I know that (and actively do my own alternative risk controls), but the person watching you scan the QR code with a PinePhone does not (in my experience so far). In my experience as long as they see something in my hand apparently react to their QR code the world can carry on spinning!

And my point 3 was equally facetious - normally I diligently select the megapixlels option to "Copy" the QR code contents (even more impressive to the observer - not only did my "Smartphone" come up with a red box around the QR code but things happened when I touched the screen - wow!) and then do absolutely no more with it.
  • ROCKPro64 v2.1 2GB, 16Gb eMMC for rootfs, SX8200Pro 512GB NVMe for /home, HDMI video & sound, Bluetooth keyboard & mouse. Arch (6.2 kernel, Openbox desktop) for general purpose daily PC.
  • PinePhone Pro Explorer Edition, daily driver, rk2aw & U-boot on SPI, Arch/SXMO & Arch/phosh on eMMC
  • PinePhone BraveHeart now v1.2b 3/32Gb, Tow-boot with Arch/SXMO on eMMC
(01-08-2022, 07:22 PM)Dinosaur1946 Wrote: Hi All

If this is the wrong place to post this , please correct me.

First time here and finally feel confident enough to consider using it daily.

Didn't take me more than a day or two to move away from the pre-installed Manjaro.
Simply not in the mood to learn another Linux flavour. And what is it with all the weird app names ? (maybe showing my age)

I have a fair amount of experience using Debian on Industrial machines for 10+ years,
so decided on Mobian bullseye initially and then re-imaged to bookworm in the last day or so.

1:  To use a phone here in Australia on a daily basis, there are some requirements that may not exist elsewhere.
Where ever we go (during this covid crisis) we have to scan in using QR code.
Each state has it's own app, but of course only on iPhone or android.

Finally managed to get the .apk file for our local app and installed ANBOX, only to find out that the camera doesn't work (yet) on ANBOX.
Would love to hear if anyone has QR code scanning resolved.

2:  After spending a day or so trying to get iphone contacts exported to the PP, I gave up and started typing them in.
     I'm retired, so it was time to cull a few anyway.

3:  The Hub that came with the PP works well on the usb (Mouse , memory sticks etc) but is flaky on the HDMI.
     In Bookworm it is better then bullseye, but on some apps it will switch back to the PP.
     Getting it to work at startup is the main problem. I have tried booting the PP with hdmi plugged in, also just hot plugging it.
     In the end I hot plug it and wait,wait,wait and wait some more. Finally the monitor goes to back ground colour.
     That is the sign to open an app and watch it disappear to the left of the monitor. Close the app and open it again, now it is in the middle of the monitor and is usable.
     The best way I found to use it, was to select single monitor use only.

4:  Wifi occasionally wont come on, so have to go to settings/wifi and just click the network and all is good again.

5:  Some apps are not set to the screen size of the phone and you find that the "Next" or "Accept" button is not visible, because it is off the screen
     and you can't slide the screen sideways to reveal the missing buttons.

6:  The Portfolio app (I know it Mobian not PP problem) is only good enough to see what you got, you cant cut/paste/copy or delete.
     Will have to find an app to replace that.

7:   Deleting apps or icons from the screen must require you to hold your tongue just right, because I can't find where or how.

    I will use it as my daily phone IF I can get QR code to work.


my workarounds for this differ depending on the state - I've only been to NSW and Qld in the last two years. 

Last time I was in NSW you could use megapixels to scan the qr which would take you to a page asking you to download the (non-existant for linux) app. Scroll down slightly though and there was a link saying something like "continue on the web" which allowed you to log in fine without the app on a web page. It's been a few months though and they may have changed that i.e requiring the app for vax certs.

In Qld every venue has (should have)  a code printed next to the qr  splodge, you can enter this into the app manually if the camera isn't working. You can load and run the qld checkin app thru waydroid (you can get the apk from apkpure etc) and it actually works better than it does on my partners ultra low end android. it's also possible to load your vax cert into the app from a waydroid based browser (you'll need to change settings to allow the browser to open links in other apps).

There may be similar workarounds for the other states, but I haven't been there and don't know.

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