Is there any thread on this forum that is dedicated to the progress of Cluster attempt? I didn't find any matches when I just searched. My interest in the "Pine 64" is for Lubuntu (Linux) for rendering videos.
I really would really like a 'Cluster' area.
As I said already my interest in the 'Pine 64' is a render farm. I watched a video on YouTube of a Render Farm setup in 2010 with 24 nodes. Each node ran "Ubuntu". They stated their monthly electricity bill was in excess of $1,000. I am confident that the speed and memory of the $29 version of the 'Pine 64' is comparable to this. But the electricity consumption would be much less.
I've found tons of discussion about "Kdenlive" should have a render farm, but haven't yet found any actual "how to" guide, if it is possible. Where I see the Rendering can have scripts I have an inkling it is possible, but really don't know where to start.
I honestly can't commit to moderating this. I really wish I could. I personally am enduring an extended stint of physiotherapy.
I have one other comment for consideration unrelated to this. The Canadian economy has tanked. Where the Canadian dollar and United States dollar were on par with one another in 2012 it is now $0.69 on the dollar. You likely could greatly lower the cost of shipping to Canadian customers, if you have many, if there was a way of getting a bunch of these in Canada and shipped from Canada. E-bay has a shipping program for the United States to Canada. It would be worth looking into it if the cost would be any less. It is just a thought.
This is quite interesting idea!
Ron, I'm not very familiar with video rendering or kdenlive, but if you have enough spare computers you can set up a NFS share, a SSH connection and then use the the 2nd, 3rd,...nth computer to handle 1/nth of the rendering through a script, then you can snag all the sections and edit them into a consolidated file.
Example, you have 5 computers, you have a 7000 frame video to render you break the work into 7000/5 frame chunks and computer 1 will handles frames 1 through 1400, computer 2 will handle frames 1401 through 2800, etc. but you can start the jobs remotely through SSH on all the remote computers and then have them save the job on the NFS share when they are done.
We've seen a lot of interest for clusters in many applications. This whole area is just going to grow. We're trying out different use cases to show people just what is possible.
PicoCluster Team
Still needing a moderator?