(11-06-2020, 01:52 AM)khantheengr Wrote: (03-12-2020, 11:43 AM)IanJames Wrote: (01-09-2018, 06:05 AM)erchache2000 Wrote: (01-08-2018, 01:09 PM)saileshrajk Wrote: Hi,
I just received my Pine64-LTS version with 64GB eMMC. I am having major issues trying to boot from the emmc.
I have tried the following
Downloaded the images from
jessie-minimal-pine64-0.7.19-118.img.xz and xenial-minimal-pine64-bspkernel-0.7.19-118.img.xz
1. I then wrote the image to SD card and booted the Pine, which is fine.
2. Followed the instruction to
sudo ./pine64_update_kernel.sh 0.7.19
sudo ./pine64_update_uboot.sh 0.7.19
sudo ./pine64_update_package.sh 0.7.19
3. executed sudo ./pine64_install........to_emmc.sh xenial-minimal 0.7.19
4. Tried setting the following
5. removed the SD
6 booted with eMMC
I get nothing.
Does the boot take very long as compared to SD (i have left it for few hours)? I get nothing.
I have also tried to burn the above image directly to the emmc without any luck.
Is there something I am missing?
Did you try a reboot beetwen point 2 and 3?
2. Update SD
2.5 Reboot
3. Install to eMMC
I just bought an LTS with 32G eMMC.
I also bought the "USB adapter for eMMc Module" for $4.99
(It allows you to burn an eMMc on your desktop computer just like an SD card)
I burned my eMMc using this, then put eMMc in the LTS.
Booted first time.
Ian James
hello James,
i am having the same problem can you please explain how did you managed to get it booted. and were you using pinea64-lts board. what was the IC name on emmc module and what type of image you were using to program emmc module.
Your post is quite old, so I bet the problem is solved by now. I used freeBSD, got it from their website. They have a build for pine64-lts.
I would recommend that after you burn to eMMc that you look at the eMMc from your computer to see if it "looks right".
Like I said, I'm sure by now you have solved the problem, so I won't give a really long explanation.
(I'm sure you know about "unpacking" an "filename.img.xz" file into an .img file.)