Can we create Boardviews for repair of PINE devices? (for OpenBoardView/FlexBV)
Hello all,

  As with many laptops, phones and tablets, in order to effectively repair such devices these days we need both schematics *and* boardviews to be able to guide the repairing hand to the right parts on the board.

  Understandably PINE (company) would not want to release their full boardviews ( not asking that ) but it would be fantastic to have boardviews that provide at least;

   Pins [part, location (x,y,side), and netname], and an outline of the board.   That's the bare minimum information that'd be needed and a boardview that is functional for repairers can be generated ( don't even need pad or part outlines, though those are nice visually ), testpads if applicable are good to have too.

  Some of you already know of me from Louis Rossmann,  OpenBoardview, and of course FlexBV.

  It would be fabulous to have a set of boardviews to go along with the schematics that have already been provided by PINE.

(07-20-2020, 04:32 AM)PaulDaniels Wrote: Hello all,

  As with many laptops, phones and tablets, in order to effectively repair such devices these days we need both schematics *and* boardviews to be able to guide the repairing hand to the right parts on the board.

  Understandably PINE (company) would not want to release their full boardviews ( not asking that ) but it would be fantastic to have boardviews that provide at least;

   Pins [part, location (x,y,side), and netname], and an outline of the board.   That's the bare minimum information that'd be needed and a boardview that is functional for repairers can be generated ( don't even need pad or part outlines, though those are nice visually ), testpads if applicable are good to have too.

  Some of you already know of me from Louis Rossmann,  OpenBoardview, and of course FlexBV.

  It would be fabulous to have a set of boardviews to go along with the schematics that have already been provided by PINE.


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We are only releasing in PDF format. Due to we are working with several design house in China, PDF is the most common format that they can provided.
More like the attached image here.

PDFs are useful but a boardview file lets you interlink between the schematic and the boardview/layout making for very quick testing/locating/repairing.

The people doing the layout works for you would be able to export the information from their current EDA files ( Fabmaster (FAB), Hyperlynx (HYP), Altium Designer / Protel (PCB/PCBDoc), IPC-D-356(A), and GenCAD (CAD) currently supported ).

[Image: pine-boardview-example.jpg]

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