02-09-2019, 03:50 PM
I heard about the Pinebook Pro on Destination Linux this week, and their shownotes linked to the Forbes article. That's why I'm a new forum member; count me in. I have come to appreciate the form factor of my Asus Chromebook (originally purchased because it was "a tablet with a keyboard attached," not because it was a convertible "notebook"). But I find the lack of Linux apps, particularly LibreOffice Writer to be too restrictive. (No, mine isn't one of the ones designated to easily run Linux. And, yes, I use Google Docs, but you'd be surprised the number of times a doc set to "available offline" isn't available offline.) And battery life hasn't been as impressive as I had hoped. A PBP might fit the bill.
A Pinebook Pro might have additional advantages. I spend several months, on and off, each year in developing countries. At a US$200 price point, I wouldn't have to think too hard about pulling out the NVMe adapter and SSD and giving it to one of my friends overseas. I'd like to use one for a while, and, having proven its quality and durability, we might even think about doing some fundraising through our non-profit to buy some PCP for computer-less leaders in these countries. And it would be far less painful to lose a PBP to theft or robbery (I don't get to visit the "safe, tourist meccas" in these places) than it would to have a new $1K laptop ripped off.
I realize that there are no pre-signups for the PBP yet, but is there a mailing list signup that will allow us to receive an email notification once everything is in place?
A Pinebook Pro might have additional advantages. I spend several months, on and off, each year in developing countries. At a US$200 price point, I wouldn't have to think too hard about pulling out the NVMe adapter and SSD and giving it to one of my friends overseas. I'd like to use one for a while, and, having proven its quality and durability, we might even think about doing some fundraising through our non-profit to buy some PCP for computer-less leaders in these countries. And it would be far less painful to lose a PBP to theft or robbery (I don't get to visit the "safe, tourist meccas" in these places) than it would to have a new $1K laptop ripped off.
I realize that there are no pre-signups for the PBP yet, but is there a mailing list signup that will allow us to receive an email notification once everything is in place?