As we are going to travel the world by bicycle and I am a Linux geek,
I want to use my PinePhonePro as a mini laptop to do all sort of stuff:
From navigation, to surfing the web, to edit photos or movies, write blogs, code some websites, doing graphic designs, hacking some other stuff together, paying bills, doing presentations.....
To be able to receive sms is quite nice for online banking and 2-fa logins, but in my opinion there should be much more focus on working convergence, since this is the real killer feature...
Taking a real laptop with a power-supply and a world power adaptor is a no go, too heavy, too big and it will be broken after a few weeks in rough conditions...
Yesterday I tried to produce a convergence promo movie for the ppp only using the ppp and a op6 with ubports as a camera.
Sadly there are a few simple tools missing to do so (but I got quite far!!!), I will try again as soon as some stuff gets fixed:
- window borders to resize, move programs
- screenshot function for the convergence monitor (this is essential)
- running krita on kde (gimp works, krita needs to be
built against qt5-es2)
- longer battery life (it somehow does not really charge in convergence...)