Troubleshooting and Understanding MMS
I've been following this post for some time now and am having the same problems.  Thank you all for hashing this out so far.  I can add a little more info I think.

(07-22-2022, 09:01 PM)pikurasa Wrote: As for the logs, if I have mmsc= and apn=vzwinternet (in both chatty and gnome settings), I get http 7 errors. If I have mmsc= and apn=vzwapp (in both chatty and gnome settings), I get http 404 errors.

I have been on the Matrix chat with kop316 (the author of mmsd-tng) trying to fix this also but he's at a loss too.  He did tell me that these are not necessarily HTTP error codes but libsoup error codes.

(07-22-2022, 09:01 PM)pikurasa Wrote: Oddly enough, I seem to be able to send text with images (presumably mms) when set to mmsc= and apn=vzwapp (in both chatty and gnome settings), but not able to receive them (I know I have missed group MMS texts b/c I am in constant communication with another person who I am in the group with). Also, oddly enough, I see some files in .mms/modenmanager that look suspiciously like MMS data (but not entirely human readable). This makes me wonder if I am receiving the MMS, but maybe chatty is not correctly adding them to the database. Or maybe, those files are a list of MMS that are suppose to be retrieved, but are failing to be retrieved. I have no idea, but curiosity is overwhelming me at the moment.

I see the same types of files but I think these are test mms files that I try to send.  I'm not positive because there are two files that are named similarly, one with what seems like a hash file name and the other with the same hash file name but also with a '.status' extension.  The .status file shows that the message is unread and also lists the expiration.  I think these are mms that I'm sending because I don't get a new file when someone tries to send me an mms; only when I send a test message to myself but this could be wrong.

(07-22-2022, 09:01 PM)pikurasa Wrote: Also, another weird thing is, when I run: `mmcli -m any --time` it prints 2024-06-06 (but the timestamp on the debugger is the correct time).

This is interesting to me.  I have seen messages received in Chatty that do not respect my current timezone so they are timestamped in the past by my GMT offset.  I know that the time on my phone is right but the modem time may be wrong.  I know that in ssl traffic your time skew can only be 5 minutes or messages will be discarded.  That said, it seems like the message protocol is unencrypted (http) so this shouldn't matter but I don't know.  It's definitely something else that I never considered until now.
After a little more digging, I found that when I send an MMS to myself, the messages in .mms/modemmanager/ are in fact sent, deleted, then downloaded only partially by mmsd-tng:

Message sent:
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:time_to_str() Time 1658600634, Human Format 2022-07-23T14:23:54-0400
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_message_create_smil() This MMS has content other than text
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_message_create_smil() This MMS only has Images, Videos, or plaintext
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_message_create_smil() This MMS has images or videos
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:send_message_get_args() Attaching SMIL
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:send_message_get_attachments() number_of_attachments 1
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:send_message_get_attachments() Content ID: image2-00001.JPG, MIME Type: image/jp>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:send_message_get_attachments() Total attachment size: 28212
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:send_message_get_attachments() Maximum Attachment Total Size (in bytes): 1100000
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/store.c:mms_store_file() pathname /home/mobian/.mms/modemmanager/6d43ce8214395145fa1b1a612>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_message_register() message registered /org/ofono/mms/modemmanager/6d43ce8214>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:append_message() appending pdu path /home/mobian/.mms/modemmanager/6d43ce8214395>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:append_attachment_properties() Need to fix content type Content-Type: "image/jpe>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:append_attachment_properties() fixed content-type: image/jpeg
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:append_msg_attachments() Attaching Smil!
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:activate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70 setup 0 active 0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:activate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70 waiting for 20 seconds
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Setting Context...
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_mmsc() service 0xaaab11164e70 mmsc>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Max number of bearers: 1
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Current Context APN: vzwapp, mmsd-tng settings MMS APN: v>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() You are connected to the correct APN! Enabling context...
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_apn() Service APN Set to vzwapp
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_resolvers() service 0xaaab11164e70 resolvers: ipv4: 198.224.190.>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() DNS from modemmanager IPv6: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,200>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() At Bearer Handler: path /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() active and context_active, bearer_notify
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() service=0xaaab11164e70 active=1 iface=wwan0 proxy=(n>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() interface wwan0 proxy (null)
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() Proxy is set to 0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() location
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() No active proxy
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() resolve_host_ares
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() Binding resolver queries to interface wwan0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() All Nameservers: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,2001:4888:17:ff00>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_callback() Found IP for '':
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() Using URI for request:>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() host:, port: -1
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Address enumeration succeeded
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting TCP connection attempt
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket 452 Binding to wwan0 length 5
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket is bound to wwan0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: TCP connection successful
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting application layer connection
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2022 18:18:23 GMT
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Length: 0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > POST /servlets/mms HTTP/1.1
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600391
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xaaab11929100), SoupMessage 1 (0xaaab111f68c0), SoupSocket 1 (0xaaa>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Host:
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > X-VzW-MDN: <redacted>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600391
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0xaaab111f68c0)
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Server: Apache
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Type: text/html
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2022 18:19:51 GMT
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Connection: close
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Length: 0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > GET /servlets/mms?message-id= HTTP/1.1
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600397
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xaaab11929100), SoupMessage 2 (0xaaab111f6aa0), SoupSocket 2 (0xaaa>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Accept: */*
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Host:
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > X-VzW-MDN: <redacted>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600397
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0xaaab111f6aa0)
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Server: Apache
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Type: text/html
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2022 18:19:57 GMT
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Length: 0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > GET /servlets/mms?message-id= HTTP/1.1
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600429
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xaaab11929220), SoupMessage 1 (0xaaab111f6c80), SoupSocket 1 (0xaaa>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Accept: */*
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Host:
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > X-VzW-MDN: <redacted>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600429
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0xaaab111f6c80)
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Server: Apache
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Type: text/html
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2022 18:20:29 GMT
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Length: 0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > POST /servlets/mms HTTP/1.1
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600495
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xaaab11929340), SoupMessage 1 (0xaaab111f6c80), SoupSocket 1 (0xaaa>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Host:
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > X-VzW-MDN: <redacted>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Connection successful!
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600495
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0xaaab111f6c80)
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Server: Apache
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Type: text/html
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2022 18:21:35 GMT
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Connection: close
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Length: 0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > GET /servlets/mms?message-id= HTTP/1.1
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600501
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xaaab11929340), SoupMessage 2 (0xaaab111f6aa0), SoupSocket 2 (0xfff>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Accept: */*
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Host:
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > X-VzW-MDN: <redacted>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600501
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0xaaab111f6aa0)
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Server: Apache
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Type: text/html
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2022 18:21:41 GMT
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Length: 0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > GET /servlets/mms?message-id= HTTP/1.1
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600506
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xaaab11929340), SoupMessage 3 (0xaaab111f68c0), SoupSocket 3 (0xaaa>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Accept: */*
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Host:
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > X-VzW-MDN: <redacted>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600506
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 3 (0xaaab111f68c0)
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Server: Apache
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Type: text/html
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2022 18:21:46 GMT
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Length: 0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > POST /servlets/mms HTTP/1.1
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600550
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xaaab11929460), SoupMessage 1 (0xaaab111f68c0), SoupSocket 1 (0xaaa>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Host:
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > X-VzW-MDN: <redacted>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Connection: Keep-Alive
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600550
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0xaaab111f68c0)
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Server: Apache
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Type: text/html
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2022 18:22:29 GMT
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Connection: close
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: < Content-Length: 0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]:  
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > GET /servlets/mms?message-id= HTTP/1.1
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1658600634
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Fail to get data (http status = 404)
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() status: 404
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() data size = 0
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() request->result_cb=0xaaaada31fe90 vs. retrieve_conf=0xaaaada31>
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Fail to get data (http status = 404)
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() On attempt 2
Jul 23 14:23:54 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() Requeued Message
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:service_activate_bearer() Retrying Modem Bearer
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:activate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70 setup 0 active 1
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() location
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() No active proxy
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() resolve_host_ares
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() Binding resolver queries to interface wwan0
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() All Nameservers: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,2001:4888:17:ff00>
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_callback() Found IP for '':
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() Using URI for request:>
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() host:, port: -1
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Address enumeration succeeded
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting TCP connection attempt
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket 452 Binding to wwan0 length 5
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket is bound to wwan0
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: TCP connection successful
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting application layer connection
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Connection successful!
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Fail to get data (http status = 404)
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() status: 404
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() data size = 0
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() request->result_cb=0xaaaada31fe90 vs. retrieve_conf=0xaaaada31>
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Fail to get data (http status = 404)
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() On attempt 2
Jul 23 14:23:57 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() Requeued Message
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:service_retry_process_request_queue() Retrying Queue
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: [56B blob data]
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() No active proxy
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: [31B blob data]
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Failed to resolve DNS
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() On attempt 3
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() Had Max attempts
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:deactivate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:deactivate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Setting Context...
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_mmsc() service 0xaaab11164e70 mmsc>
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Max number of bearers: 1
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Current Context APN: vzwapp, mmsd-tng settings MMS APN: v>
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() You are connected to the correct APN! Enabling context...
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_apn() Service APN Set to vzwapp
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_resolvers() service 0xaaab11164e70 resolvers: ipv4: 198.224.190.>
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() DNS from modemmanager IPv6: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,200>
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() At Bearer Handler: path /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1>
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() checking for failure
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() No failures
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() service=0xaaab11164e70 active=0 iface=wwan0 proxy=(n>
Jul 23 14:24:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Unable to create GET message
Jul 23 14:24:02 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:service_retry_process_request_queue() Retrying Queue
Jul 23 14:24:02 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:24:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:service_retry_process_request_queue() Retrying Queue
Jul 23 14:24:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:service_activate_bearer() Retrying Modem Bearer
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:activate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70 setup 0 active 0
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:activate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70 waiting for 20 seconds
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Setting Context...
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_mmsc() service 0xaaab11164e70 mmsc>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Max number of bearers: 1
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Current Context APN: vzwapp, mmsd-tng settings MMS APN: v>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() You are connected to the correct APN! Enabling context...
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_apn() Service APN Set to vzwapp
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_resolvers() service 0xaaab11164e70 resolvers: ipv4: 198.224.190.>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() DNS from modemmanager IPv6: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,200>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() At Bearer Handler: path /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() active and context_active, bearer_notify
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() service=0xaaab11164e70 active=1 iface=wwan0 proxy=(n>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() interface wwan0 proxy (null)
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() Proxy is set to 0
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() location
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() No active proxy
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Unable to init new uri:
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Failed to resolve DNS
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() On attempt 3
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() Had Max attempts
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:deactivate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:deactivate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Setting Context...
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_mmsc() service 0xaaab11164e70 mmsc>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Max number of bearers: 1
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Current Context APN: vzwapp, mmsd-tng settings MMS APN: v>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() You are connected to the correct APN! Enabling context...
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_apn() Service APN Set to vzwapp
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_resolvers() service 0xaaab11164e70 resolvers: ipv4: 198.224.190.>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() DNS from modemmanager IPv6: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,200>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() At Bearer Handler: path /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() checking for failure
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() No failures
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() service=0xaaab11164e70 active=0 iface=wwan0 proxy=(n>
Jul 23 14:24:31 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Unable to create GET message
Jul 23 14:24:36 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:service_retry_process_request_queue() Retrying Queue
Jul 23 14:24:36 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:service_activate_bearer() Retrying Modem Bearer
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:activate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70 setup 0 active 0
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:activate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70 waiting for 20 seconds
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Setting Context...
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_mmsc() service 0xaaab11164e70 mmsc>
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Max number of bearers: 1
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Current Context APN: vzwapp, mmsd-tng settings MMS APN: v>
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() You are connected to the correct APN! Enabling context...
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_apn() Service APN Set to vzwapp
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_resolvers() service 0xaaab11164e70 resolvers: ipv4: 198.224.190.>
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() DNS from modemmanager IPv6: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,200>
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() At Bearer Handler: path /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1>
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() active and context_active, bearer_notify
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() service=0xaaab11164e70 active=1 iface=wwan0 proxy=(n>
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() interface wwan0 proxy (null)
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() Proxy is set to 0
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() location 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() No active proxy
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Unable to init new uri: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Failed to resolve DNS
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() On attempt 1
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() Requeued Message
Jul 23 14:26:00 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Unable to create GET message
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:service_retry_process_request_queue() Retrying Queue
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() location (null)
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() No active proxy
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() resolve_host_ares
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() Binding resolver queries to interface wwan0
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() All Nameservers: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,2001:4888:17:ff00>
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_callback() Found IP for '':
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() Using URI for request:
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() host:, port: -1
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request() POST 0 bytes to
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request() Sending </home/mobian/.cache/mmstng/modemmanager/post-rsp.ZEEO>
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Address enumeration succeeded
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting TCP connection attempt
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket 485 Binding to wwan0 length 5
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket is bound to wwan0
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: TCP connection successful
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting application layer connection
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Connection successful!
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Fail to get data (http status = 500)
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() status: 500
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() data size = 0
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() request->result_cb=0xaaaada31a1c0 vs. retrieve_conf=0xaaaada31>
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Fail to get data (http status = 500)
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() On attempt 1
Jul 23 14:26:05 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() Requeued Message
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:service_retry_process_request_queue() Retrying Queue
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() location (null)
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() No active proxy
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() resolve_host_ares
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() Binding resolver queries to interface wwan0
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() All Nameservers: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,2001:4888:17:ff00>
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_callback() Found IP for '':
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() Using URI for request:
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() host:, port: -1
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request() POST 28619 bytes to
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request() Sending </home/mobian/.cache/mmstng/modemmanager/post-rsp.9T0L>
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Address enumeration succeeded
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting TCP connection attempt
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket 485 Binding to wwan0 length 5
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket is bound to wwan0
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: TCP connection successful
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting application layer connection
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Connection successful!
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:response_got_chunk() Got chunk: 74
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() status: 200
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() data size = 74
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() request->result_cb=0xaaaada31a1c0 vs. retrieve_conf=0xaaaada31>
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_message_decode() about to check well known
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_message_decode() about to extract short
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_message_decode() octet 129
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_message_decode() MMS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_CONF
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() saw header of type 0x18
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() running handler for type 0x18
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:decode_text() claimed len: 41
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:decode_text() val: <redacted>
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() handler for type 0x18 was success
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() saw header of type 0x0D
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() running handler for type 0x0D
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() handler for type 0x0D was success
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() saw header of type 0x0B
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() running handler for type 0x0B
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:decode_text() claimed len: 25
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:decode_text() val: <redacted>
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() handler for type 0x0B was success
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() saw header of type 0x12
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() running handler for type 0x12
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() handler for type 0x12 was success
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:result_request_send_conf() response status : 128
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:emit_msg_status_changed() Emitting status of /org/ofono/mms/modemmanager/6d43ce8>
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() location
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() No active proxy
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() resolve_host_ares
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() Binding resolver queries to interface wwan0
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() All Nameservers: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,2001:4888:17:ff00>
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_callback() Found IP for '':
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() Using URI for request:>
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() host:, port: -1
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Address enumeration succeeded
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting TCP connection attempt
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket 452 Binding to wwan0 length 5
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket is bound to wwan0
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: TCP connection successful
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting application layer connection
Jul 23 14:26:11 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Connection successful!
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Fail to get data (http status = 404)
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() status: 404
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() data size = 0
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() request->result_cb=0xaaaada31fe90 vs. retrieve_conf=0xaaaada31>
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Fail to get data (http status = 404)
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() On attempt 3
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:on_message_done() Had Max attempts
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:deactivate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:deactivate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Setting Context...
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_mmsc() service 0xaaab11164e70 mmsc>
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Max number of bearers: 1
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Current Context APN: vzwapp, mmsd-tng settings MMS APN: v>
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() You are connected to the correct APN! Enabling context...
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_apn() Service APN Set to vzwapp
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_resolvers() service 0xaaab11164e70 resolvers: ipv4: 198.224.190.>
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() DNS from modemmanager IPv6: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,200>
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() At Bearer Handler: path /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1>
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() checking for failure
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() No failures
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() service=0xaaab11164e70 active=0 iface=wwan0 proxy=(n>
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:handle_method_call_message() Deleting Message path /org/ofono/mms/modemmanager/6>
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_message_unregister() message unregistered /org/ofono/mms/modemmanager/6d43ce>
Jul 23 14:26:12 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:handle_method_call_message() Successfully Deleted Message!

Message received:
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:cb_dbus_signal_sms_added() Got new SMS
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:mmsd_process_sms() Received SMS WAP!
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_push_notify() Processing push notify
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_push_notify() pdu 0xffffb00e1f20 len 119
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_push_notify() <redacted>>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Body Length: 113
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_push_notify() Content Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/store.c:mms_store() pathname /home/mobian/.mms/modemmanager/6ffe44ce107ed148061bcba1bef6ee>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_message_decode() about to check well known
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_message_decode() about to extract short
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_message_decode() octet 130
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_message_decode() MMS_MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() saw header of type 0x18
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() running handler for type 0x18
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:decode_text() claimed len: 27
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:decode_text() val: <redacted>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() handler for type 0x18 was success
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() saw header of type 0x0D
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() running handler for type 0x0D
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() handler for type 0x0D was success
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() saw header of type 0x0A
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() running handler for type 0x0A
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() handler for type 0x0A was success
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() saw header of type 0x0E
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() running handler for type 0x0E
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() handler for type 0x0E was success
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() saw header of type 0x08
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() running handler for type 0x08
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() handler for type 0x08 was success
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() saw header of type 0x03
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() running handler for type 0x03
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:decode_text() claimed len: 43
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:decode_text() val:
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() handler for type 0x03 was success
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() saw header of type 0x09
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() running handler for type 0x09
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:extract_from() Successfully decoded text!
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/mmsutil.c:mms_parse_headers() handler for type 0x09 was success
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: MMS transaction id: <redacted>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: MMS version: 1.0
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Subject: (null)
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Class: Personal
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Size: 28544
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Expiry: 2022-07-28T14:26:12-0400
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Location:
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:time_to_str() Time 1659032772, Human Format 2022-07-28T14:26:12-0400
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:activate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70 setup 0 active 0
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:activate_bearer() service 0xaaab11164e70 waiting for 20 seconds
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Setting Context...
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_mmsc() service 0xaaab11164e70 mmsc>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Max number of bearers: 1
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() Current Context APN: vzwapp, mmsd-tng settings MMS APN: v>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() You are connected to the correct APN! Enabling context...
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_apn() Service APN Set to vzwapp
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_set_resolvers() service 0xaaab11164e70 resolvers: ipv4: 198.224.190.>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:set_context() DNS from modemmanager IPv6: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,200>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() At Bearer Handler: path /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:bearer_handler() active and context_active, bearer_notify
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() service=0xaaab11164e70 active=1 iface=wwan0 proxy=(n>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() interface wwan0 proxy (null)
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:mms_service_bearer_notify() Proxy is set to 0
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() service 0xaaab11164e70
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:process_request_queue() location
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() No active proxy
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() resolve_host_ares
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() Binding resolver queries to interface wwan0
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host_ares() All Nameservers: 2001:4888:16:ff00:1e1:d::,2001:4888:17:ff00>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_callback() Found IP for '':
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:resolve_host() Using URI for request:>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:create_new_web_message() host:, port: -1
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:mmsd_process_sms() Deleting SMS Now...
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting new address enumeration
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Address enumeration succeeded
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting TCP connection attempt
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket 486 Binding to wwan0 length 5
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../src/service.c:soupmessage_network_event_cb() Socket is bound to wwan0
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:cb_sms_delete_finish() Couldn't delete SMS - error: GDBus.Error:org.fre>
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:cb_sms_delete_finish() Trying to delete SMS again....
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: TCP connection successful
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Starting application layer connection
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: GSocketClient: Connection successful!
Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:cb_sms_delete_finish_retry() Message delete finish

During these events I saw the mentioned outgoing file (/home/mobian/.mms/modemmanager/6d43ce8214395) after successfully being sent it was removed, then the incoming file (/home/mobian/.mms/modemmanager/6ffe44ce107ed148061bcba1bef6ee) was created and then stayed there.  The outgoing message has the correct size (the size of the picture I sent) and the incoming message shows the correct size n the log (Jul 23 14:26:13 mobian mmsdtng[8614]: Size: 28544) so I assume the upload went ok.  However, the incoming file as only a few bytes, 113 to be exact when I check it on the filesystem.

I wonder if the message is getting deleted by mmsd-tng on Verizon's servers when the download attempt fails.
The files in ~/.mms/modemmanager/ are MMS messages that are being processed. 

My understanding of the process for receving a MMS: ModemManager gets a special SMS.  It puts that raw message in a file in ~/.mms/modemmanager/ and then creates a similarly-named ".state" file with metadata for that message.  MMSDTNG then attempts to process those messages, which are mostly just a URL where the actual content can be retrieved from the carrier.  The MMS data expires after about 5 days (for Verizon) so if MMSDTNG can't get it by then, you'll never get it.  I wonder if that's what the 404 might be?  Seems like MMSDTNG should be smart enough to quit trying the expired messages, though.

Things to try:
1) You'll see entries in the logs like "Using URI for request:".  Open a shell and use curl or wget to get the contents of that URL, or see what error happens.
2) do a "ip route get" (or whatever IP is appropriate) on the phone to see if it has a viable route to the carrier's server.
(07-24-2022, 07:31 AM)treebeard Wrote: The files in ~/.mms/modemmanager/ are MMS messages that are being processed. 

My understanding of the process for receving a MMS: ModemManager gets a special SMS.  It puts that raw message in a file in ~/.mms/modemmanager/ and then creates a similarly-named ".state" file with metadata for that message.  MMSDTNG then attempts to process those messages, which are mostly just a URL where the actual content can be retrieved from the carrier.  The MMS data expires after about 5 days (for Verizon) so if MMSDTNG can't get it by then, you'll never get it.  I wonder if that's what the 404 might be?  Seems like MMSDTNG should be smart enough to quit trying the expired messages, though.

This rings true for me mostly, although I do think they expire after ten-twelve days (something slightly shorter than two weeks), not five.

Quote:Things to try:
1) You'll see entries in the logs like "Using URI for request:".  Open a shell and use curl or wget to get the contents of that URL, or see what error happens.

The funny thing, now that I look at it is that there is nothing after:

Also, when I look at the files in .mms/modemmanager/ there is something there after message-id, but it looks kind of like a binary with a phone number appended to the end (the phone number, FWIW, seems accurate, based on the messages I expect to be receiving.)

Quote:2) do a "ip route get" (or whatever IP is appropriate) on the phone to see if it has a viable route to the carrier's server.

I will try this later.

I will try and add more detailed logs later.

At any rate, I feel some relief knowing I have some more debugging options.
(07-24-2022, 07:30 PM)pikurasa Wrote: The funny thing, now that I look at it is that there is nothing after:

I saw that in your log snippets and assumed you redacted the id. This seems like a pretty important clue and I'm afraid I don't know what to do with it, other than tell you to report it to mmsdtng folks at
(07-25-2022, 03:05 PM)treebeard Wrote:
(07-24-2022, 07:30 PM)pikurasa Wrote: The funny thing, now that I look at it is that there is nothing after:

I saw that in your log snippets and assumed you redacted the id. This seems like a pretty important clue and I'm afraid I don't know what to do with it, other than tell you to report it to mmsdtng folks at

After doing some more debugging, I seem to have figured out a pattern (but not yet sure what it means for fixing the issue):
1. When I am set to vzwapp on `.mms/modemmanager/mms` & vzwapp in system settings, when I run mmsdtng, the full message id (in the URL) never shows when I run `mmsdtng -d`, and I get a 404 error.
2. When I am set to vzwinternet on `.mms/modemmanager/mms` & vzwinternet in system settings, the message id (in the URL) does show when I run `mmsdtng -d`, but I get an "HTTP/1.1 7 connection terminated unexpectedly" and "status 007" (what is that, btw?)

Now that I found the URLs, I am finally able to download these messages (via wget), providing some small relief to three weeks of anxiety. (wget, btw seems to automatically try port 80, which I know is usually necessary for downloading from these sorts of URLs). For this to work, I need my system's APN settings to be set to vzwapp (others result in a timeout). This is what I expected, but for fun I tried with it set to vzwinternet to no avail.

Basically, it seems I need the message ID that I get for setting to vzwinternet, but the successful download I get for setting to vzwapp.

Other random stuff:

I don't have any VPNs or proxies set. MMSDNTG is at version 1.9; Chatty is version 0.6.7. I am set to 2G, 3G, 4G ("preferred"), but settings throws an error if I try anything other than 4G.

I am puzzled how this behavior varies from what others have experienced.

I think I know better how mmsdtng handles requests, but I don't really understand how chatty manages things. It would be helpful for my debugging to know this information. For one, where is the user data for chatty stored?

Also, where is the list of APNs stored in system settings? Every time I restart my phone, it adds four more redundant choices (vzwapp, vzwims, vzwinternet, verizon) to the list of options again and again and again.

At any rate, I hope this helps fix a bug, or helps someone else in the future. Once I am certain about the reproducible steps, I will report. Thanks!
You have some pretty strange stuff going on there.  I don't know exactly what http status 007 means, but that's what I was getting after Verizon split their APN (in March?) and I was using the wrong one (vzwinternet) for MMS.

Chatty stores its data in a sqlite database: ~/.purple/chatty/db/chatty-history.db

I think the list of APNs in gnome-settings comes from a combination of the carrier and connection files in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/. I too see duplicates show up, but haven't figured out the circumstances that cause it. I periodically delete the extra files from system-connections.
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
Note that if you're manually editing ~/.mms/modemmanager/mms then mmsd-tng must be stopped first.
It has been a couple weeks, anyone had any luck/progress on MMS on verizon lately?
(08-14-2022, 08:09 AM)npesall Wrote: It has been a couple weeks, anyone had any luck/progress on MMS on verizon lately?

No luck in solving the actual problem.

However, I think the following would be useful to anyone using Verizon and thinking of switching to PinePhone:

Verizon has a Web portal where you can view your SMS and MMS messages. The URL is Obviously, this is not a "solution", but it does help us, as a community, have a tool to help us crack the nut that is Verizon in a few important ways. Via this Web portal, you can view all SMS/MMS messages from the time you begin the service. You cannot see messages from before you start using this Web portal service.

Therefore, what I suggest to anyone who is debugging/tinkering/trying-to-use-for-daily-phone the PinePhone with Verizon services:
  • Before you switch over, consider starting services with That way, you can see what messages, if any, you are missing, and, if this is your main phone, you won't miss any important messages. I believe you can also see the message IDs for MMS messages, so that can be helpful for debugging purposes (i.e. wget or curl to download the message). This works ok on mobile, but it is an overall clunky solution. The only reason I would advise it at all is because I do think it will help people get a step closer to getting the PinePhone working for themselves and the community-at-large.
  • For the most part, I keep the Network Settings APN set to "vzwinternet". This way, I don't have to switch to check MMS (as I just check MMS via the Web portal.
  • For the most part, I keep the settings in Chatty set to APN=vzwapp and MMSC= This way, if I ever need to switch over, I can do so just in Network Settings. I receive SMS just fine via this combination.

Other stuff:
  • describes a service that will send an MMS to your phone if you call it. They swear they do not sell your data, and so far no such issues for me. FWIW, I do receive these MMS with the same setup up as I receive SMS (i.e. network setting apn=vzwinternet). I think it is because they are text-only, non-group MMS messages, and the ones I cannot download are the ones with media and/or group messages. At any rate, it is handy for testing simple MMS on your phone (without bothering friends and family to send coordinated messages to you.)
  • If you sign up for the aforementioned Web portal SMS/MMS service, you can also test your SMS/MMS my sending messages to yourself, either by text or by email.

While I was at it, I put in some complaints with Verizon representatives, but it usually takes about an hour until you actually get a real person, FYI, so plan to set aside a good amount of time if you want to "troubleshoot" anything with them.

I hope this helps others!
(08-14-2022, 12:29 PM)pikurasa Wrote:
(08-14-2022, 08:09 AM)npesall Wrote: It has been a couple weeks, anyone had any luck/progress on MMS on verizon lately?

No luck in solving the actual problem.

Darn, I'm sorry to hear that.  I'm real curious what the heck is going on with your system.  Have you tried flashing Mobian on a SD card and configuring that for calls & texts to see if it works properly?

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