This is as exciting as waiting for my very first Linux Brave Heart phone !
From the Brave Heart to the later Convergent phones, there was not a huge difference.
The jump from the Convergence phone to the Pine phone Pro, is a pretty big jump, or so it appears.
Every release so far, there are always a few who cannot figure out to remove the tape from the battery,
** Then they come on the forum screaming that they have received a defective phone.
If there is a real problem, then there will be a lot of posts talking about this problem.
If you are the only person with a particular problem.... maybe the phone is not defective.
(01-24-2022, 03:46 PM)Otter Wrote: Well, since all of you are getting your phone, two to four days before I get mine, I expect you all to get busy and eliminate all the bugs before I get mine. 
The problems will be varied, if they are Linux problems, it can show up across all or most of the OSes.
While there will also be some problems within distribution(s) not seen across all systems.
The factory installed operating systems tend to be "Outdated" by the time we receive our new phones.
What operating system will you try first..?