Germany batch will be delayed
"It's been six months and still no word. I don't deserve it?
I know you got my last two letters;
I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect"

No for real, are there any updates on the German delivery front?
Planed a vacation, in three weaks, to tinker with the Phone. Please don't tell me that I have to go out and meet with friends instead! Sad

(schedule estimates also welcome Smile
Can we please get an update?
Sorry for any mistakes. English is not my native language

1. Quartz64 Model B, 4GB RAM

2. Quartz64 Model A, 4GB RAM

3. RockPro64 v2.1
does anyone know any details when the Braverheart Phones will be shipped to Germany. The update just notes that certifications are expected end of February so I guess shipment will be sometime in early March and arrival late March. Can someone confirm this assumption?
(02-16-2020, 06:54 AM)EHecht Wrote: Hello 
does anyone know any details when the Braverheart Phones will be shipped to Germany. The update just notes that certifications are expected end of February so I guess shipment will be sometime in early March and arrival late March. Can someone confirm this assumption?

Your assumption is correct. However due to Coronavirus epidemic in China, the progress can be severely effected by the virus outbreak situation.
I hope so much that you and your families and friends are doing well. ... and thanks for staying on the ball despite the crisis!

greetings from germany
Today I received an update on the Germany batch via email. I assume everyone from Germany received it. You should check your inbox.

You have to make a choice
1) cancel your order
2) receive the pinephone with unfinished CE certification (as I understood the process it is only about software implementation now) but with a letter from pine64 explaining the status of the process for customs.

You have to decide until the 6.3.2020:

"If we do not receive a response from you until March 6, 2020 then the sales team will automatically assume that you have selected the second option and continue ship out the PinePhone. The planned shipment of PinePhones slated for Germany is March 12-16, 2020."
I received the e-mail as well. However, I fear that the enclosed letter to customs is full of grammar issues. Therefore, I would refrain from using it.
I will provide a versions which hopefully sounds a bit better here in a few minutes and open this up for further improvements.

So, here is my proposal (I changed a few bits and also the order of the last sentence):

Quote:Sehr geehrte Zollbeamtinnen, sehr geehrte Zollbeamte,

bei dem PinePhone-Smartphone handelt sich sich um ein Entwicklungsmuster und nicht um ein fertiges Produkt. Sowohl die Hardware als auch die Software sind noch nicht fertiggestellt. Deshalb wird das PinePhone derzeit nicht an Endverbraucher sondern ausdrücklich nur an Entwickler verkauft. Diese Zielgruppe beteiligt sich im Rahmen eines Open-Source-Projekts an der noch lange nicht abgeschlossenen Entwicklung (einschl. Test und Evaluation) des PinePhones.

Die Zertifizierung des Geräts gemäß den für die CE-Kennzeichnung notwendigen Kriterien sowie der eventuell notwendigen Erfüllung der FuAG-Bestimmungen läuft aktuell noch. Das im PinePhone verwendete Funkmodem ist bereits gemäß dieser Bestimmungen zertifiziert.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

PINE64 Community-Team

Comments and suggestions welcome.
i really appreciate that work which is done to appease the german customs but i am afraid they give a sh*t ;D
i am really looking forward to see what will happen.
(03-03-2020, 01:51 PM)someGermanGuy Wrote: i really appreciate that work which is done to appease the german customs but i am afraid they give a sh*t ;D
i am really looking forward to see what will happen.

Same opinion here: I really hope that this works out for most German recipients of the BH edition. But this is not how German customs works.

Here's my experience when I tried to get my PinePhone from German customs (following the reasoning from the proposal above):
  • I pointed out that it's a development device from an open source project with hard- and software-development still in progress and that it's meant for developers
  • I showed them the CE mark on the radio chip and pointed out that the CE certfication for the whole device is in progress
They said that they couldn't evaluate this and consulted the Bundesnetzagentur with the information I provided. The Bundesnetzagentur in turn replied that this device was not fit to be used in Germany and had it sent back.

So the main question that remains is this: Is there a legal basis in Germany that allows devices still in development to be used in Germany without CE certification, partial CE certification of components or CE certification in progress for development purposes? And if yes, how do we have to declare those to be able  to pass customs.

I will take a shot at getting some information from the Bundesnetzagentur about this.

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