06-27-2021, 02:37 PM
I bought an A64 as well as a Rock64 SBC. I managed to use the Rock64 as a PC to build ARM apps. The A64 went to electronic waste -.
I am not complaining ; I am willing to spend < $100 for adult toys - . However it is hard to justify $199/- for PineBook Pro or PinePhone.
In the US I can buy a Chrome Book at the same price with better hardware and in case I want to play with Linux, I believe there are ways to
completely replace Chrome OS. It is always a challenge to build reasonably priced hardware for a low volume hobbyist market. The GNU/Linux
fans want o believe that this will be a high volume product but the reality is that the consumer market is already very well served by existing devices.
I am not complaining ; I am willing to spend < $100 for adult toys - . However it is hard to justify $199/- for PineBook Pro or PinePhone.
In the US I can buy a Chrome Book at the same price with better hardware and in case I want to play with Linux, I believe there are ways to
completely replace Chrome OS. It is always a challenge to build reasonably priced hardware for a low volume hobbyist market. The GNU/Linux
fans want o believe that this will be a high volume product but the reality is that the consumer market is already very well served by existing devices.