06-17-2021, 11:35 AM
> "Failed to activate service, verify the sd card formating".
Try re-writing your post as "PinePhone Failed SD Card Flash".
A few questions for you:
* Have you tried flashing using different SD cards?
* Have you tried flashing using a different machine?
* Have you tried reading the flashed image back (after unplugging it from the computer), copying the binary and testing that it was written as expected? You would need to do a binary diff.
> I trying fat32, msdos and ext3/ext4 with Balena Etcher, but it's the same problem.
You don't need to write a filesystem to the SD card. You are doing this wrong. Please follow the instructions online *exactly*.
Try re-writing your post as "PinePhone Failed SD Card Flash".
A few questions for you:
* Have you tried flashing using different SD cards?
* Have you tried flashing using a different machine?
* Have you tried reading the flashed image back (after unplugging it from the computer), copying the binary and testing that it was written as expected? You would need to do a binary diff.
> I trying fat32, msdos and ext3/ext4 with Balena Etcher, but it's the same problem.
You don't need to write a filesystem to the SD card. You are doing this wrong. Please follow the instructions online *exactly*.