(05-16-2016, 12:19 AM)MrWizerd Wrote: Yes, thank you, and while I was thinking about access to the Pi Header I decided that since it was a 40 pin header that I would use an old IDE cable, and initially I used an E-IDE Cable which is NOT ok, it will short something, and while I am sure I could figure out what and or why, my initial guess is that there are pins that are sharing wires... but not positive. ANYWAYS I found another actual 40 pin connector and I rebuilt the cable and this is the result of both the rebuilt cable and my thought on a way to access the header while inside a lego case. I suppose I could have made this shorter but LESS is not always more like Tarj said.
That looks awsome.
Great work.
This idea with modules is just perfect...
Myself I'm working on adding a stereo LED VU-meter to my Pine. Why? Well... Just because I can
Here is the images of the VU-tower for the Pine as well as the rebuild of the vent hole