03-19-2021, 06:27 AM
(03-12-2021, 09:41 AM)Gribouille Wrote: Hello Maus,
Are sure that you use only the GPS functions, not the Wifi or something else ?
I my case, I have the Wifi and Bt shut-off with the mecanical switch.
Hello Gribouille, no, I am not so sure ... but Bluetooth does not have any influence on location services, and I've been far from any human structures when I tried it outside back in February, so WiFi would not have helped there anyway (no signal on the radio). There are different types of AGPS, one just using the mobile signal strength and station ids and looking those up in a (local or remote) database and applying trigonometry mathematics, the other one adding WiFi ESSIDs to the game, and I thought the latter one is only employed by FAAMG and the likes. But I may of course be wrong!