02-21-2021, 08:41 PM
(02-21-2021, 03:59 PM)fjord Wrote: Has anyone installed, using the installer alpha 1 image, Mobian to the internal emmc flash memory device? If so what was the process?
I placed the installer image on an SD card and it did not ask for an install location and appears to have installed itself on the SD card.
I'll answer my question, yes, I've done it!
The process is to install Jumpdrive on an sd card, boot from it and connect a USB cable from your computer to the PineTab. I used an USB imaging utility to copy the installer alpha 1 image to the drive that was attached (verified using dmesg). Reboot, follow the installer prompts and everything is working. Quite a number of updates but the process seems to finish much more quickly than when I was running Mobian from an SD card.