02-05-2021, 02:31 AM
(02-03-2021, 11:26 AM)Goffi Wrote: Hi,Hi,
I don't know for this specific problem, this need to be checked with a plasma-mobile devs, but you can at least use an other OS with a microSD card meanwhile. Just chose one and follow instructions on https://wiki.pine64.org/index.php?title=...e_Releases and insert the microSD card, it will have priority over internal OS, and you'll be able to use your phone again.
I have also the KDE community edition, and after updating it it works well for me (haven't tested cheese though).
sure, with a microSD card, the phone should work again...
Thanks Goffi.
Anyway, as you suggested, I'm also going to ask to Plasma devs how to fix the internal OS.
I'm not an expert but think that working with a microSD doesn't allow you to install applications (at least, permanently), so everytime you swich off/on your phone, the OS you were working with before (and the others on the microSD) remains always in the same "initial" state, or am I wrong?