01-26-2021, 03:09 PM
Thanks for doing this, great work!
I also got it working, on a PinePhone running Mobian, using more or less the instructions that @cyp wrote above. There was a problem building chatty just as @patrickmollohan said. Anyway I did receive an mms message that was properly received and resulted in a beautiful jpg image in the ~/mms directory.
My ~/.mms/modemmanager/ModemManagerSettings file that turned out to work looks like this, for a "Comviq kontant" SIM card in Sweden:
[Modem Manager]
The ":8080" for the CarrierMMSProxy was needed because without that it tries to use port 80 which does not work.
I also got it working, on a PinePhone running Mobian, using more or less the instructions that @cyp wrote above. There was a problem building chatty just as @patrickmollohan said. Anyway I did receive an mms message that was properly received and resulted in a beautiful jpg image in the ~/mms directory.
My ~/.mms/modemmanager/ModemManagerSettings file that turned out to work looks like this, for a "Comviq kontant" SIM card in Sweden:
[Modem Manager]
The ":8080" for the CarrierMMSProxy was needed because without that it tries to use port 80 which does not work.