I have been able to update the simple.c plugin to now be compatible with Modem Manager (and hope to start work on further integration of the two soon!).
In the simple.c, I also added two method calls which I hope will be useful: ChangeSettings and PowerOnorOff. ChangeSettings allows you to change the mmsc, mmsproxy, and the interface via the dbus, and the plugin will a) overwrite the config file with the new settings (to keep them), and b) restart the plugin to let the settings take effect. I will note that right now, PowerOnorOff is commented out, as it causes some weird issues if you turn it off. I think it would be useful though your system goes ito suspend and you want to suspend that too (so the code to do it is there, just commented out).
I got some great help from craftyguy in how to get the autotools to work! It was a lot simplier than I thought it would be. You need to update to the latest purple-mm-sms and mmsd if you want to try the changes:
The simple.c plugin is now fully compatible with Modem Manager! This is good because now the two can be glued together to work.
In the simple.c, I also added two method calls which I hope will be useful: ChangeSettings and PowerOnorOff. ChangeSettings allows you to change the mmsc, mmsproxy, and the interface via the dbus, and the plugin will a) overwrite the config file with the new settings (to keep them), and b) restart the plugin to let the settings take effect. I will note that right now, PowerOnorOff is commented out, as it causes some weird issues if you turn it off. I think it would be useful though your system goes ito suspend and you want to suspend that too (so the code to do it is there, just commented out).
I got some great help from craftyguy in how to get the autotools to work! It was a lot simplier than I thought it would be. You need to update to the latest purple-mm-sms and mmsd if you want to try the changes:
The simple.c plugin is now fully compatible with Modem Manager! This is good because now the two can be glued together to work.