(12-06-2020, 10:56 PM)pacman99 Wrote: Theres a really cool website with this information already: https://linmobapps.frama.io/
That's a cool list, however..
From what I understand, the way of how many linux applications will run on your mobile device is most of the times: device, operating system and shell dependent-
and since most linux-arm distros have different versions of different libraries bundled into them, which will result in different results for many applications (e.g. what might run perfectly on a Liberm5 will not run as good on a PinePhone, and vice verse..).
This is exactly my aim with this thread, it was posted under the "Manjaro on PinePhone" forum, which means that what is being discussed, is targeted / tested specifically for PinePhones that are running Manjaro-arm.
Thanks anyway for your contribution