12-02-2020, 09:17 PM
(12-02-2020, 04:28 PM)jmorris Wrote: Been carrying for a week or so now, here is the current state of core functionality on PMOS-Phosh (edge)Not a fix or anything, but if you get into this state again you can usually avoid battery removal by doing a long press of the power button while holding down the volume down rocker for 6 to 10 seconds possibly followed by a repeat. that's got me out of a few "hard lockups" over the past 10 months.
In the last couple of days a new glitch has appeared, when the phone sleeps the modem is going down, not going to sleep. On wakeup the modem takes about as long to return to showing bars as wifi, and since this started no message or call has come in while off the plug and the phone allowed to sleep.
That aside, and the bug in Contacts reported in a different thread, here is what you can expect.
At random, a text message from a new number will show on Chatty's list of conversations but you can't touch it to read the whole message or reply. It "depresses" when touched but nothing else will happen. If you ignore it and come back in minutes or hours it sometimes works. If you need to interact with it now you must reboot. That has, so far, always worked.
If you make a contact for a text from a new number Chatty may or may not update the number into a name. Rebooting won't fix that one, only deleting the conversation has any chance of working as new messages appear. Still not assured of working though. Get a billing message after every activity, no matter what it just shows as "38809090" They aren't "normal" SMS so that might have something to do with it, they are system messages.
The calls app does have basic functionality now. You can make and receive calls. You get a call log and you can call back from it. You can't create a contact or send an SMS in response to a call. You apparently can't clear the call log either.
You can still expect Phosh to go insane and refuse to allow you to unlock or cleanly shutdown but it isn't as often now as a week ago. And this morning the phone was simply dead. Blue light was still on but it was unresponsive. Power key did nothing, inserting the USB cable did nothing. So cold start and the battery was almost unchanged from eight hours ago when it was put aside for the night. Had took a few updates and rebooted at the end of the day so watch out?
Away from the core phone functionality, the alarm clock needs some love, badly. If the phone sleeps it of course won't go off at all, waiting for some other event (call, text, power key) to wake it, then it goes off. But even on the charger, the UI needs help badly. Unlike Android, Phosh has no ability to allow an urgent dialog to precede the lock screen. And the clock can't launch itself! So you must enter the unlock code, launch the clock app and THEN you can shut the darned thing off.