Well, I kind of had to roll my own, but the new Armbian builds work very well with GNOME desktop environment installed.
Here's a tweet showcasing what I did.
Here are the steps I took:
Two things I am currently not able to figure out are suspend and enabling wayland.
Edit: I fixed Wayland on my own groovy build with gnome which you can download here: https://www.ironrobin.net/clover/droppy/...ro/armbian
Here's a tweet showcasing what I did.
Here are the steps I took:
# Update Packages
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
# Install gnome basic packages (be sure to switch to gdm3 when prompted)
sudo apt install gnome-session gdm3
# Install gnome extra packages
sudo apt install gnome-terminal gnome-control-center gnome-tweaks nautilus gedit gnome-screenshot gnome-software
# Create home directory folders
mkdir ~/Desktop ~/Downloads ~/Pictures ~/Public ~/Videos ~/Documents ~/Music ~/Templates
# Reboot, click the gear on the login screen, and choose Gnome on Xorg
Two things I am currently not able to figure out are suspend and enabling wayland.
Edit: I fixed Wayland on my own groovy build with gnome which you can download here: https://www.ironrobin.net/clover/droppy/...ro/armbian