11-04-2020, 04:01 PM
I applied the suggested fix for this months ago. Today, I installed a big update for Manjaro 20.10. Something like 30 packages. Upon reboot this issue remarkably appeared again. I find that strange? Worse yet that this now boots up with the numlock on!
pine-F9 = keycode 69 -- should be "Print Screen" but is KEY_NUMLOCK
pine-F10 = keycode 70 -- should be "NumLK" but is KEY_SCROLLLOCK
pine-F11 = keycode 119 -- should be "ScrLK" but is KEY_PAUSE
pine-F12 = keycode 69 -- should be "Pause Break" but is KEY_NUMLOCK
pine-F9 = keycode 69 -- should be "Print Screen" but is KEY_NUMLOCK
pine-F10 = keycode 70 -- should be "NumLK" but is KEY_SCROLLLOCK
pine-F11 = keycode 119 -- should be "ScrLK" but is KEY_PAUSE
pine-F12 = keycode 69 -- should be "Pause Break" but is KEY_NUMLOCK