Noticed this recent video on youtube where the gnome menu is oversized. I had same issue when switching to wayland but setting the below fixed that.
Edit: Installed gnome-shell 3.38 over a recent mobian-phosh image and it runs pretty smooth on the emmc. Wayland version needs a better keyboard, maybe a gnome extension or squeekboard might be options.
Extra: Noticed account-daemon hogs cpu in this install. A workaround is to disable the serial console so not ideal but it works.
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 1
Edit: Installed gnome-shell 3.38 over a recent mobian-phosh image and it runs pretty smooth on the emmc. Wayland version needs a better keyboard, maybe a gnome extension or squeekboard might be options.
Extra: Noticed account-daemon hogs cpu in this install. A workaround is to disable the serial console so not ideal but it works.
sudo systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyS0.service