(06-13-2020, 09:28 AM)spikerguy Wrote: Hi @xmixahlx
I have added your vdec patch to `linux-pinebookpro` it built fine then I tried building ffmpeg full but it have too many extra libs enabled so I moved to ffmpeg with only v4l2_request and it was build just fine.
Now I am stuck with kodi-git I tried my PKGBuild with your config and it fails with errors then I think I will just run your script and it fails with missing deps and after I install those deps then it fails with missing packages which are not part of arch linux example `fstrcmp` and `libdvdread` errors.
Have you tried building using the kodi script on your pbp-tools repo? Can you add full dep list?
Thanks for your work.
see CMakeLists.txt and note the -DENABLE_INTERNAL_?=OFF entries, and the ON entries under general. you may have to toggle those. also review required dependencies, and optional:
pacman -S afpfs-ng bluez-libs cmake curl doxygen glew gperf hicolor-icon-theme java-runtime libaacs libass libbluray libcdio libcec libgl mariadb-libs libmicrohttpd libmodplug libmpeg2 libnfs libplist libpulse libva libvdpau libxrandr libxslt lirc lzo mesa nasm python-pycryptodomex python-pillow python-pybluez python-simplejson shairplay smbclient taglib tinyxml swig upower giflib rapidjson ghostscript desktop-file-utils hicolor-icon-theme mesa python-pycryptodomex python-pillow python-simplejson xorg-xdpyinfo shairplay git meson gtest bluez-libs curl lcms2 libass libbluray libcdio libcec libinput libmicrohttpd libnfs libpulse libva libxkbcommon libxslt lirc mariadb-libs python smbclient taglib tinyxml libpng giflib libjpeg-turbo lzo afpfs-ng bluez python-pybluez libplist pulseaudio upower
cmake .. \
-DFFMPEG_PATH=/usr/local \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu \
you may need to pair these down. when you get something that works, LMK.