05-15-2020, 11:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2020, 11:32 AM by User 15267.)
My understanding is that most wifi and display are supported at least. I have not been able to get either 6.6 or snapshots up and running yet, I am currently waiting for 6.7 to try again. There is active development on the Pinebook Pro within the OpenBSD community and I have been told that support is improving all the time.
As it stands I have been following the official instructions in the OpenBSD arm64 guide by doing the following:
1) dd miniroot67.fs to microSD card
2) Download the latest u-boot package from snapshots
3) dd idbloader.img to microSD card with a seek of 64
4) dd u-boot.itb to microSD with a seek of 16384
5) Download the latest dtb package from snapshots
6) Make a folder called 'rockchip' on the boot partition of the microSD
7) Copy rk3399-rockpro.dtb to the folder created above
I boot this with the serial cable connected however it always stops at the following two lines:
I have started a thread on the OpenBSD subreddit where a user provided me with the script below which is also referenced in this thread on the mailing list although I am not sure where to get the relevant files such as the trust.img although I have only briefly read over the script.
I will likely have another crack at this weekend so if you have any pointers please let me know.
As it stands I have been following the official instructions in the OpenBSD arm64 guide by doing the following:
1) dd miniroot67.fs to microSD card
2) Download the latest u-boot package from snapshots
3) dd idbloader.img to microSD card with a seek of 64
4) dd u-boot.itb to microSD with a seek of 16384
5) Download the latest dtb package from snapshots
6) Make a folder called 'rockchip' on the boot partition of the microSD
7) Copy rk3399-rockpro.dtb to the folder created above
I boot this with the serial cable connected however it always stops at the following two lines:
rkclock0 at mainbus0
rkclock1 at mainbus0
I have started a thread on the OpenBSD subreddit where a user provided me with the script below which is also referenced in this thread on the mailing list although I am not sure where to get the relevant files such as the trust.img although I have only briefly read over the script.
set -e
if [ "$SD" == "" ]; then
echo "specify the device your SD card is using."
exit 1
if [ ! -f miniroot66.fs ]; then
ftp http://ftp.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/arm64/miniroot66.fs
ftp http://ftp.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/arm64/SHA256.sig
signify -C -p /etc/signify/openbsd-66-base.pub -x SHA256.sig miniroot66.fs
if [ ! -f u-boot.img ]; then
ftp https://github.com/pcm720/rockchip-u-boot/releases/download/nvme-boot/u-boot.img
sha256 u-boot.img | grep "6af3fbcd83c91f590551a0a8afeca489fe13ac777934fd77b38495134fcac6ea"
echo "doas dd if=miniroot66.fs of=/dev/r${SD}c bs=5M"
echo "doas dd if=idbloader.img of=/dev/${SD}c bs=32k seek=1 conv=fsync"
echo "doas dd if=u-boot.img of=/dev/r${SD}c bs=64k seek=128 conv=fsync"
echo "doas dd if=trust.img of=/dev/r${SD}c bs=64k seek=192 conv=fsync"
echo "doas mount /dev/${SD}i /mnt"
echo "doas cp rk3399-pinebook-pro.dtb /mnt/"
echo "doas umount /mnt"
I will likely have another crack at this weekend so if you have any pointers please let me know.