(02-21-2020, 04:49 PM)mdr Wrote: Hi, my Rock64 with Volumio works, but the sound falls away after a few songs. I've tested this with several sources (UPNP, Spotify, Airplay, etc). After a few songs the output is silent. The interface still indicates it is playing and is responsive, we just hear no sound (using HDMI output). Reboot fixes it.
Logs are here: http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/oVKxYEe.html
Anybody an idea what to do?
Please post Volumio issues on volumio.org, I only read here every 1-2 months or less.
I'm not sure whether we ever validated hdmi, did you use an hdmi extractor or connected to TV/ AV unit?
Which board version (revision)?