04-01-2020, 11:23 AM
Hey thanks for your answer astr0, I've trying this out and alephone (yeah I like the stuff) won't install with the following error:
Is there anything wrong on my end or is it on yours?
I tried simpler packages thoug and stuff like xeyes seem to work properly
[root@pbpro-manjaro /]# usr/pkg/bin/pkgin install alephone-20120514nb3
calculating dependencies...done.
/usr/lib/libSDL_sound-1.0.so.1, needed by SDL_sound-1.0.3nb6 is not present in this system.
1 package to install:
0 to refresh, 0 to upgrade, 1 to install
214K to download, 6158K to install
the following packages have unmet requirements: SDL_sound-1.0.3nb6
proceed ? [Y/n] Y
installing alephone-20120514nb3...
pkg_install warnings: 1, errors: 2
pkg_install error log can be found in /var/db/pkgin/pkg_install-err.log
[root@pbpro-manjaro /]# tail /var/db/pkgin/pkg_install-err.log
pkg_add: no pkg found for 'SDL_sound>=1.0.3nb6', sorry.
pkg_add: Can't install dependency SDL_sound>=1.0.3nb6
pkg_add: 1 package addition failed
---Apr 01 19:18:51: removing xeyes-1.1.2...
---Apr 01 19:19:00: installing alephone-20120514nb3...
pkg_add: Warning: package `alephone-20120514nb3' was built for a platform:
pkg_add: Linux/aarch64 5.5.0 (pkg) vs. Linux/aarch64 5.6.0 (this host)
pkg_add: no pkg found for 'SDL_sound>=1.0.3nb6', sorry.
pkg_add: Can't install dependency SDL_sound>=1.0.3nb6
pkg_add: 1 package addition failed
Is there anything wrong on my end or is it on yours?
I tried simpler packages thoug and stuff like xeyes seem to work properly