(03-05-2020, 05:59 AM)p3732 Wrote: At this point I think it might be worth it to just wait for GNOME Shell 3.36 to be made available in the repos and hope that that will fix these issues.
I agree. I can't really hope to fix my broken Gnome installs, now anyway. Both my Manjaro and Arch SDs became corrupted, or refused to boot (and for some reason my Manjaro turned half the system folders into files. )
Gnome does seem to be working well on Fedora, though. Maybe they've held back the faulty update? nope, I just forgot to check for updates. 3.34 is there waiting. However, as pointed out on the Manjaro forum, this may help resolve the issue: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?...8#p1883388