02-11-2020, 11:26 AM
(02-09-2020, 12:43 AM)Some_Dood Wrote: When writing the image to both my sd card or the emmc on my pinephone, ubports will not resize the file system to use the whole storage device. Instead it creates a 3.7gb partition with the rest as unpartitioned space. This results in me having no space to install or download anything. I have been playing around with fdisk and I just cannot get it to resize the partition to use the entire drive. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?
I tried using GPARTED in Arch and it wouldn't boot after that. I ended up just creating a second partition, formatting it as ext4, then mounting it in /home/phablet/storage
More explanation: The first time I tried to expand the partition was within ubports after boot. I used FDISK to delete / re-add the partition with max space figuring I'd used resize2fs. It "should have worked". When it didn't work I re-flashed the SDCARD then looked at the partition with FDISK again. I noticed the start sector was listed as 1953 but fdisk starts with 2048 and wouldn't let me override it. I didn't do any research as to why. I then tried using GPARTED and only changed the 'free space after' but it still wouldn't boot. I didn't try parted but will certainly do so.
I'll have to try what blambi did. Just my $.02 worth.