01-31-2020, 12:56 PM
(01-31-2020, 07:28 AM)jackhumbert Wrote: ...Perfect. I've added both this and the "synclient MinSpeed=0.25" to the Wiki;
I'm not sure if it's the recommended way, but adding this to /etc/X11/xorg.conf worked for me (in X11):
Code:Section "InputClass"
Identifier "touchpad catchall"
Driver "synaptics"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Option "MinSpeed" "0.25"
I don't have any experience with Wayland - if someone is able to configure this with Wayland, please share!
Wiki - Pinebook Pro - X-Windows trackpad tuning
As usual, feel free to correct, improve or comment, (good or politely bad).
Arwen Evenstar
Princess of Rivendale
Arwen Evenstar
Princess of Rivendale