08-22-2019, 06:35 AM
Quote:1) > We get some Uboot messages on boot, after that the port is silent.
There may be a bug.
You should try to another image from the location shown in the following url.
If it works as expected, the problem you pointed out is a kernel bug.
Thanks for the quick answer. Seems like it works as expected after all, I just forgot to stop "agetty" from launching and creating a login-prompt on ttyS2, eating up all the packets... We did "systemctl stop serial-getty@ttyS2" to disable it temporarily and then picocom worked as expected.
Do you think there's more to it than that?
Quote:2) > Due to voltage issues, we regulated the TXD and RTX pins to exactly 3.3V (see schematic attached).
Is the product that you pointed out the problem listed below ?
Yes, that is the product and judging by the problems people describe in forums, with the board crashing on boot when connected (exactly what we experienced), this does not seem to be an exception. See picture attached.
Thanks again, will take a closer look at your electronics details as well with some colleagues.