03-06-2019, 08:56 AM
In the title and the readme for my kernel repo I list the boards which I have tested the kernel on. These are the only boards which I can confirm it works for and therefore the only boards I support. Extlinux can be pulled from my debian release's boot partition easily enough, but if you aren't able to grab it then I can pastebin it when I'm back at my environment. And I *think* you can just add the name of the DTB at the end of your make command in order to compile just that specific device tree (ex: make arch=arm64 rk3399-rockpro64.dtb), but I'll need to confirm if that's correct. I use a buildroot toolchain in my dev environment to compile and keep track of my patches and system configs, and it always only compiles a single DTB. So it's absolutely possible, yes.