03-04-2018, 07:08 PM
Install procedure on rock64 is the same as you use on the pi (i have both), get the proper image file, burn it (preferably with etcher and on a windows system) then insert the sd card and the system boots, simple as that, i have a pi and im pretty sure that there is no "install" proccess per se, maybe you refer to any setup the system do on the first boot on the pi where you wait about a min and the system restart itself, i dont remember that on the rock64, and about the mentioned software options it depends what image source do you use, as example ayufan images come with ssh enabled by default but you need to install anything else by hand, or you can use armbian where you can use their "multi-app installer" called softy iirc, there is also dietpi distro with another multi-app installer, cant remember their name...maybe if you add more specifics to your question, what you tried, where do you failed, what exactly do you want to do...?