09-03-2017, 11:48 PM
This is my first time to build Android for A64, but I have a question for download AOSP and BSP source code. I have downloaded "Source code (zip)" from "https://github.com/ayufan-pine64/android-7.1/releases/tag/0.3.5", but it seem only teach download repo and github-release. I also saw "manifest.xml", but how to download source code with one file "manifest.xml"? Where can I find the step? Many thanks!
This is my first time to build Android for A64, but I have a question for download AOSP and BSP source code. I have downloaded "Source code (zip)" from "https://github.com/ayufan-pine64/android-7.1/releases/tag/0.3.5", but it seem only teach download repo and github-release. I also saw "manifest.xml", but how to download source code with one file "manifest.xml"? Where can I find the step? Many thanks!