08-17-2017, 09:40 AM
I've made some some experiments and here are the results:
First I want to mention that I've got Pinebook 14" with Ubuntu MATE.
Using the command:
# echo XXX > /sys/class/backlight/lcd0/brightness
I was start tweaking the backlight brightness of the screen. Here XXX is a number from 0 to 255.
In fact, that didn't affect shimmering pixels very much. But it turns out there is a threshold value. If it is 248 or a greater number then some of the "noise" disappears from the screen. And if the value is 247 or less, there is more of it.
I cannot be sure but that number 248 (bin 11111000) leads me to the idea of 5-bit pwm for the backligh brightness.
These shimmering pixels are more visible on flat, not very bright and not very dark, blue-green background. If there is a video playing on the screen it is more difficult to be seen BUT they are still pretty annoying for me.
First I want to mention that I've got Pinebook 14" with Ubuntu MATE.
Using the command:
# echo XXX > /sys/class/backlight/lcd0/brightness
I was start tweaking the backlight brightness of the screen. Here XXX is a number from 0 to 255.
In fact, that didn't affect shimmering pixels very much. But it turns out there is a threshold value. If it is 248 or a greater number then some of the "noise" disappears from the screen. And if the value is 247 or less, there is more of it.
I cannot be sure but that number 248 (bin 11111000) leads me to the idea of 5-bit pwm for the backligh brightness.
These shimmering pixels are more visible on flat, not very bright and not very dark, blue-green background. If there is a video playing on the screen it is more difficult to be seen BUT they are still pretty annoying for me.